Episode 1

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This wretched place. This cursed castle. Two years of rich, livid history lived within these walls, the history of the Shimada clan.

The battle that changed everything emptied this place. The two brothers - Genji and Hanzo Shimada - It shook the entire district of Hanamura, and ended in one of the brothers, Genji's demise.

So today, you had come here to pay your respects to him. A worthy friend. Your eyes gazed before the mural that centred the courtyard of the castle. A corner had been cut, saturated in dried blood, the legendary blood of Genji.

As you walk closer to the mural, you hear something... Soft, quiet footsteps, trying to mask themselves. Someone else was here. No, someone was creeping up behind you. You look behind you, but nothing was there. ''What was that?"' You think to yourself, pondering who it could possibly have been. No-one should have returned here, not ever. This horrid place should have been rid of any living creature, not even the omnics dare to go near it - thinking the battle that went on still curses everything that goes near. It should have been burnt to a crisp years ago.

You walk into the courtyard, warm, salty tears trailing down your face because of what had happened. You peacefully sit down against a wall, you grab a canvas and a paint brush and start painting in the castle. Another annual tribute to Genji. You thought everything was fine, and that everything is safe.. Until another sound gets made... It sounds like.. Human footsteps? They really do not want to be noticed, weird. You brush it off as the wind, thinking it was too quiet.. But oh boy, you were wrong. You feel as if someone was watching you. And that's when it happened - An arrow, it flew right besides your head, gracing your hair. You quickly try to get up, but something stops you. The intruder had grabbed you firmly by the shoulder.

You turn your head and then it happened. You were face to face with the legendary (not) brother, Hanzo. He had grown from his past image. He had a beard now, well kept, and he had a small put atop his head, a ribbon laced around it. You muster up the courage ask him, ''Wh-what do you want from me?'' In a shaky voice, fear betraying your tone.

''Why are you here?'' He asks, sternly. You're absolutely terrified, shaken up by fear, too much to answer him, and try to run away, but it doesn't work. His grip tightens, his voice gets more serious, his face angry. His gaze burns deeply into your eyes, wanting a direct and honest answer. He wasn't going to let you go easily. You weren't stupid. You finally replied with ''Why would you care..? You killed your own brother! Forsaken him, brought immense dishonour to your family, Hanzo. Do you feel no remorse? Why would you protect this place?'' He sighs deeply. Not answering your question, not saying anything at all. He looks at you, deeply, trying to figure out your intent. ''Well? Tell me!'' You shout. 'Fuck, why did I say that?' You thought to yourself.

Quite suddenly, his demeanour changes. His look changes to that of sorrow, his grip on you weakening. He let go of you, taking a moment to sit at the mural. You joined him, still cautious. "I come here annually to grieve the death of my brother. To reflect on the damage and dishonour I have brought. I did not expect to see anyone else here. Especially for the same reason as I. I will ask you again. Why are you here?"

You swallowed your bated breath, finally deciding to give an honest answer. He seemed genuine with you. You threw your head down, exhaling deeply. "I come here whenever I can to pay my respects to your brother, Genji. He was a dear friend to me. He was there for me when no-one else was. When I needed someone the most. That is why I can never let go of this place. You may see him as a playboy or a laid back fool, Hanzo, but he was far from that. He just didn't want anything to do with the clan. Is that so wrong?" You say longingly, patiently waiting for an answer. "Answer me, Hanzo. Is that so wrong?" You say, raising your voice once more. You wanted to know so desperately why this man had killed your only and dearest friend.

Hanzo looked at you. With tears in his eyes and remorse in his voice, he spoke, voice barely above a whisper. He couldn't control his sobs. ''I can only apologise, even though it may never change the past.. Killing my brother was my biggest mistake, my biggest regret, my biggest pain. It should have been me who passed away that night. It should have been me, it should have been me! I'm a mistake, I'm a disgrace, I'm a cold hearted murderer. Just because my brother wanted to live his own life away from our misdeeds.. Genji, forgive me..'' Ending that sentence in tears all over.

You look at him, angrily, but forgivingly. You realise he truly regrets his misdeed. So you decide to comfort him. You hesitantly wrap your arms around him, gently squeezing, as he relaxes into you, tears staining your skin, saying, ''Hanzo, I know you regret your past. And what you did was truly unforgivable. But you have to accept what happened to truly accept yourself and make it onto the path of redemption. The bittersweet release of death will never make up for Genji's passing. But you can make up by doing good, helping the ones who need help.''

It was then, that everything started to make sense to Hanzo. He needed you, he could not bear to feel this emptying loneliness any longer. He had to forbid you from leaving him.This feeling was foreign to him. Hanzo did not confess, people confessed to him. It was a new feeling, one he could not cope with. He was too stubborn to admit this feeling would defeat him. You part ways before he could say anything else.

He sat in the bar, drowning his feelings in sake. It wasn't strong enough to mute everything in his mind. But he could not stop thinking about you. No matter what he did, who he talked to. All that was on his mind was you. He had never felt like this ever before, so he had no idea what the hell to do or how to express these feelings. He'd see you around Hanamura, but did not know how to approach or strike up conversation. So, all he could think of... was going to the castle. Hoping and praying he would see you there again, so he could talk to you. But his attempt was hopeless. You never came, not a single time for 2 months. But he would not give up, he never would, remaining steadfast. Even after these 2 months it was only you that was in this mind. Despite all that, life still went on.

Another month passed.

Another two.

A year had gone by.

The day of Genji's death had come once again, and he had firm hope you'd be at the castle to pay your respects to the younger Shimada. And there you were, finally after a year. He'd see you again. Except, you weren't alone. You were with someone. You were holding hands. You embraced that person when you couldn't hold back tears. He had almost given up completely... Until they left. You were all alone again, so you went back to the courtyard. Back to the exact spot where you met Hanzo. Back to the arrow that was still in the wall. You once again grabbed your unfinished painting from last year and your brushes.

As you sat down, you started painting the castle once again.. But something was different. There was no sound, not even the sound of wind. Nothing. You sighed very deeply, disappointed that you did not see him.. The one person you wanted to see all this time. When you finished the painting, you heard a voice. The voice said, ''You have mastered a skillful art. Where did you learn to paint like that?'' You recognise that voice. With a smile on your face you turn around to see him. He was standing right there. He hadn't changed a bit. Like he hadn't aged at all. ''I hoped I would see you here.'' Hanzo said longingly, hoping for a reaction back. ''I... I waited a year for you, why did you never come...?'' You say.

With a frown on his face he sat down next to you. As he explained everything to you, you got closer to him. To the point you were basically touching each other... Without thinking twice you wrap your arms around him once again, saying, ''I'm so sorry. I never knew you didn't know how to tell me... I should have come to you, Hanzo. I saw you all over Hanamura, yet never thought once to approach, thinking you had better things to do. I regret my hesitation greatly. It's all okay now, you've told me everything.''

''Hanzo.. I know we don't know each other at all. But I genuinely feel like... Like we have known each other for years.. And I just don't want to leave you again. It hurt so much last time.. So, promise me.. You won't leave me this time? Stay by my side, be happy with me...'' You say with a concerned voice.

''I promise.''


We hope you enjoy this story very much! 

Part 2 coming soon~

Word count: 1599

-Sakura and Noel 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2020 ⏰

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