Epilogue: Saturday 17th July 2010

Start from the beginning

'Is that why you're smiling so smugly?'

'Yes, it's bloody marvellous. And the manor looks beautiful again. It feels beautiful. I can't believe what you and maman have done. It's amazing. You know, I didn't think I'd ever step into the ballroom again, yet we took our wedding vows in there and I didn't think twice about it.'

'I'm still slightly baffled by what Xenophileas did,' Harry looked towards Draco's uncle who was currently studying a sunflower very close to. 'In fact, I'm not sure I'll ever get over it, I think it's probably a story to go down in the annuals of time alongside nanny battling with Bellatrix. All that throwing herbs about and bizarre wavy dances. I'd still be inclined to dismiss it all as too many drugs and a lot of false hocus-pocus, but it certainly feels very different from the first time I went in there. I'd still like to know what he did to battle those "lingering malign spirits" as he called them.'

Draco snorted and poked Harry in the ribs, 'Don't be nasty, he's one of my saner relatives! Look at maman, she's having the time of her life. I've never seen her so happy. Though that might be Charlie, he's such a flatterer and he keeps plying her with champagne. Are you sure he's gay?'

'Don't worry, he's more bent that an Erumpent's tusk, we're not going to end up with Charlie for a step-father!'

'Merlin, can you imagine. Actually, don't imagine. Too much!'

Harry nearly snorted with laughter and he could tell Draco was grimacing against his chest where he's scrunched up his eyes and was burying his nose. He sighed contently at the feeling of Draco pressed against him and agreed, 'no, I don't think we need to imagine Maman and Charlie in bed together.'

Draco half-heartedly thumped him with a muffled 'Harry!', then sighed, and Harry felt him relax, 'oh, it's nice to stop for a while. It's been pretty full on and I know you and Maman have been trying to protect me from the half of it all.'

Harry was still chortling about the thought of Charlie and Narcissa. 'Can you imagine the stir amongst the portraits though,' Harry thought aloud with a wicked grin. 'A Weasley married to a Black and living in Malfoy Manor. It would almost be worth it.'

'What ya talking about, Dar?' said Teddy as he threw himself down on the blanket next to them.

Draco spluttered and opened his eyes to look at his step-son. 'Why is your hair turquoise, Teddy?' he said with disapproval.

'Aw, you've done all the photos now and besides, Victoire doesn't like it, she's transferred all her doting attention to Scorp, especially since he caught the Snitch. She's such a Quidditch-bench bitch.'


'It's true! She loves a Quidditch player, always has,' he shrugged nonchalantly.

'How's Scamp taking it?' Draco asked with a raised eyebrow.

'He's loving it, he's gone all weak-kneed and goey like she's some bloody Veela or something. It's sooo boring!'

'Language, Teddy,' muttered Draco.

Harry laughed, 'perhaps it'll be a Malfoy and a Weasley then, even better. Shall I start those pure-blood marriage negotiations with Bill?'

Draco half-heartedly thumped Harry again, 'not funny!'

'What, papa?'

'Nothing. Haven't you got some kids to organise or something?'

'Nah!' He threw himself onto his back, resting his head on Harry's legs.

'Er, Ted, we're having a bit of dads' moment, you know, just married and all that!'

'Daarrr!!! And anyway, no you're not, you're both people-watching and talking about them all. Is Hannah pregnant?'

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