Thursday 6th December 2007

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Harry went to his meeting with Harley, sent a Patronus to Ron asking him to collect Teddy when school ended, and returned to his office to pick up Draco's bag which had been left there when they went off for his lesson.

'What have you done to him, Professor?' asked Anthony.

'He's not well.'

'Ahh, that explains why his Vivativeness was so diminished and his sense of Locality was disturbed.'

'It's a hang up from when his darling relatives used to groom him using the Cruciatus Curse.'

'That can only be described as criminal behaviour.'

'I quite agree, Anthony.'

'He has developed a singular Approbativeness towards you.'

'A what? Sometimes you need to try speaking English.'

If Anthony could have rolled his eyes, he would have. 'He is particularly attentive to your opinions of him, he is sensitive to how you entertain your thoughts of him.'

'That sounds like a bad thing.'

'Not necessarily, Professor. It just means you should be clear with him.'

'I need to be clear with myself first.'


There was a silence.

'Ahh what?'

'It is just you're confused about the boundary between Adhesive Friendship and Amativeness.'

'Which means?'

'It means, Professor, you need to work out exactly how you feel about him.'

'I believe I just said that...'

'Indeed, Professor.'

'Some help, you are! I must be going. I will see you tomorrow.'

'Are you skipping out early, Professor?'

'Yes, goodnight.'

Harry, breaking all protocol (and only because he could), Apparated from his office direct to the corridor outside Draco's room. As with Hogwarts, Wards were meant to prevent Apparation directly from the university building but Harry, being Harry, appeared to have no problems ripping through them when the need gripped him. He wasn't sure if it was the strength of his magic or his Auror training or even a combination of the two, either way, he didn't push the ability too often but he really couldn't be bothered to walk across campus and he was worried about Draco. Of course, he knew that Draco was suffering from an aftermath of being on the receiving end of so many Cruciatus Curses at both his father's and Bellatrix's hands, but he hadn't realised the severity.

He relieved Elsie of her care duty and settled himself into the armchair in the corner of Draco's bedroom and got out his book to continue reading Jane Eyre while intermittently glancing at the sleeping man.

'Where are you up to?' came a quiet voice from the bed sometime later.

'Jane has just saved Rochester from the fire in his bedroom.'

'How appropriate when you have just saved me once more.'

Harry got up and crossed the room. He perched on the edge of Draco's bed and brushed a bit of his hair back from his face. 'Are you setting yourself up as my Mr Rochester?'

'Be careful what you wish for. Mr Rochester is not all that he seems.'

'I know. This is my second reading. He is deeply flawed, in fact, I'm not sure what draws Jane back. But isn't that so often the case in life: nothing is straightforward.'

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