Tuesday 25th December 2007

Start from the beginning

'Pansy was teasing us about it being nice to see we'd put our pasts behind us and she announced rather loudly that she expected an invite to the wedding. You should have heard the noise level in the restaurant drop.' Harry knew he was blushing. 'And then,' he shrugged, 'I guess we were just teasing each other, but it's not what it seems. We've not even...' he muttered, deep with embarrassment, 'I've not even kissed your son.'

It was true, even after the beautiful evening together, when they had got back to Walpole Street, Draco had simply bid Harry goodnight, kissed him on the cheek, and Floo-ed home to Scorpius.

Both Narcissa's eyebrows shot up.

'I promise,' Harry said earnestly, 'I promise that if or when the time comes that I wish to ask for your son's hand in marriage, I will come to you first and the Prophet certainly won't hear the news before you.'

Narcissa nodded in satisfaction. 'Good.' Then she came forward and reached up to touch his cheek gently. 'I know you are an honourable man, Harry. Don't ever lose that. I know you'll look after Draco.'

Lunch wasn't too awkward despite the article, but it didn't mean the inquisition stopped there. Next it was Teddy and Scorpius who had a thousand questions. And then, of course, the Prophet's article initiated a flurry of speculative articles and journalists trying to get hold of both Harry and Draco for comment. Then Mione and Ron, then Ginny wanted to know every detail of what had happened. Then the rest of the Weasleys, generally throughout the entirety of Christmas day had an opinion to add, especially from George who was revelling in teasing Harry.

'Dar?' Teddy asked from the floor at Harry's feet where he was polishing his training broom with a kit that Draco and Scorpius had given him for Christmas. 'Do you think I could Floo-call Scorp?'

'It's not my choice, Ted. You need to ask Nanny Molly.'

'I really want to thank him for the broom kit. Do you think he's had a good Christmas day? I wish he'd been here with us. Nanny? Can I make a Floo-call to my bestfriend? I want to thank him for my present.'

'Of course, Teddy-love,' Molly answered. 'Come with me and I'll help you make the call.'

Ten minutes later, Teddy came bounding in with Scorpius in his wake, 'Dar, Dar, Nanny invited the Malfoys over, Scorp's nana and Draco are here too!'

Harry was out of his seat before Teddy had finished his sentence. 'Hello Scamp!' he said in passing before nearly colliding with Molly leading the two elder Malfoys into the room.

The sitting room had a very clever extension charm on it which Mione had worked her magic creating after the rebuild of The Burrow. It seemed to quietly keep extend and add more chairs every time someone entered the room. Currently, what with Arthur, Percy and Audrey, Bill and Fleur, Charlie, George and Angelina, Ron and Moine, Harry, Gin and Oliver, plus nine grandchildren, and Audrey's parents, the Woods, Fleur's sister, and the Grangers packed into the space, it was not surprising that both the Malfoys looked slightly overwhelmed by the large number of people.

'Well, with the rest of the kid's extended families here, it's only right that I should ask Harry's fiancée and his mother over too,' Molly was saying to Narcissa.

George and Charlie burst out laughing as Harry flushed bright red and stuttered, 'Molly, Draco and I are not engaged.'

'But Harry-dear, it's all over the Prophet.'

'We're just, er...' he didn't actually know what they were 'just' doing... 'Dating...' he spluttered out with embarrassment. The room noise level dropped considerably.

'Mum!' Ron groaned, 'isn't it time you learnt not to believe everything the Prophet publishes. Don't you remember during the Triwizard tournament when you nearly poisoned Hermione's Easter Eggs because you believed she was two-timing Harry with Viktor Krum? Harry doesn't even like girls!'

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