Sabotage (S1 E20)

Start from the beginning

I shake the blueprints out of my tail and roll them out. I point to a small, scribbled drawing of Zoe. "We need her to be standing exactly there before we can do anything."

"You know, this would be a lot easier to understand if you actually... say... wrote it down," Loki smirks.

"Shut up, popsicle!" I point to him. "We'll need to get there a few minutes before anypony- especially Zoe- arrives to set up."

I explain the rest of the plan to him as he helps me plait my mane and tail, and a little lock of hair resting on the side of my face with no fringe. We also put a small, pink rose in the small plait to go with the dress.

Then I help him get ready. I help with the brushing hair thing, and with slicking his black hair back with hair gel. I had to take off my front shoes when I did this, and I kept on messing up, but finally, we got it looking like Loki's hair again.

The only clothes I had that would actually suit Loki (and fit him) was a black jacket with white cuffs and collar, a red tie and a pair of black shoes, which he put on his back hooves. "So..." Loki starts, "How do I look?"

"With your eyes," I remark. We both let out a chuckle. "We'd better get going," I say, glancing at my alarm clock.

"Yes, yes, most definitely," Loki nods.


I lead Loki out of the coach and up to the large building the opening is supposed to be at, dragging behind me a bag full of stuff with my tail tied to the handle, Loki carrying another on his back.

I show the guards our tickets and they let us in. "A little early, don't you think?" One of them sneers at me. I give him a look and continue on. I'm sort of glad to be going inside... it's getting cloudy outside and there's supposed to be rain tonight.

The room is huge!

It has light purple walls and an enormous checked black and white carpet on the ground. On either side of the room is a long table for the buffet, and at the other end of the room is a giant, almost wall sized window. I look up to see ceiling beams and fans, and little platforms around the sides of the room to get up to the roof.

I grin and turn to Loki. "It's perfect. Okay, you set up the target near the buffet."

"Which side?" Loki inquires, opening his bag and pulling out a can of red paint, the handle dangling in his mouth.

"Um..." I tap my chin, "The left side. I'll set up the rope," I say, flapping my wings up to the ceiling beams.
We manage to finish just before the band arrives. I slide our empty bags up on one of the high platforms and flap down to try and look like I'm enjoying the party as I land beside Loki. "Tell me exactly when she gets here," I whisper to him as more guests come in.

"Roger that," Loki nods.

"No, not Roger, Zoe!" I hiss. Loki merely rolls his eyes. Then they widen and he gasps, tapping me on the shoulder. "What?"

Loki points off into the crowd. I purse my lips and cock my head, trying to work what he's pointing at. He sighs and points more urgently to a purple unicorn. I squint at Loki's hoof pointing to her and rub my hoof against my chin in thought. Loki grunts and points directly at her. "Zoe!" He growls through his teeth.

"Oh!" I say, "You could have just said so."

Loki takes a deep breath and face hoofs. "Aren't we going to carry out with... the plan?"

"Oh, right," I nod, "I'll take her up to the target. You get up to the beams."

Loki nods once firmly, then trots off into the crowd. I breath out, puffing my cheeks, then straighten my posture and walk over to Zoe. Damn, she sure does look pretty in that dress, even if it is simple.

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