❥thoughtful present [s. ukyo & i. senku]

Start from the beginning

"Well, you're not wrong there but that's not the main reason."
You stare at him confusedly with your head tilted to the side.

Senku was caught off guard at this and he stares at you curiously.

"You're my best friend, Senku, and you know me well. You're the one I can trust and rely on, Senku."
You said with a genuine smile. Senku didn't react at that and just scoffs at you.

"You know I'm not the emotional type so why bother saying those?"

You smile wryly at his response but just shrugs it off.

"Since we're talking about Ukyo here, making a new bow and arrows for him would be fine. It's convenient for him too."
Senku starts to take a piece of paper and starts scribbling something.

"Ooh, that's nice. Using an upgraded version of a bow would be convenient too. As expected of you, Senku. You're a genius!"
You clap your hand once and look at him with admiration.

"Kuku, you can't butter me up with those compliments. You still have to stick to the deals, Y/N."

You click your tongue once and made a distasteful face at him.

"By the way, are you really sure of this? Wanting to make a present for a guy you like but having another guy helping you out with it, I mean."
Senku asks you this seriously.

"That's why I told you, I chose to ask for your help. I'd like to have as little help as possible while making it and since you don't like meddling with other's business too much, I asked for your help."
You shrug your shoulders and reply to him nonchalantly.

"'s that so...?"
He casts a sideways glance to you before focusing to his front again.

After a long (not) journey of hard work, you were finally able to finish the present.

"WOHOO! Finally! I did it!"
You jump in excitement and began making some crazy dance moves, satisfied with the result of your hard work.

"Kuku, don't be so happy. You still have to repay me with your labor, Y/N."
Senku crosses his arm and laugh at your excitement.

You turn to him and tackle him to a hug, catching him off guard.

"I know that, of course! Thank you so much for helping me, even if it was just little. You're really my very good best friend!"
You let go of him just as fast as you tackle him to a hug, leaving the shocked Senku still processing what just happened.

"Anyways, I'll fill you in on the details later, Senku! Thanks again!"
You ran out of the lab and began searching for Ukyo.

Senku plops down on one of the chair in the lab and stare off vacantly at his surroundings.

"If you have loved her, you shouldn't etlay go of her when you had the chance, Senku-chan."

Senku merely glances at Gen who appeared out of nowhere in the lab.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm too busy to experience such things like love."
Senku replies calmly, getting up from his seat and walk towards the door.

"It's useless to eignfay innocence. I'm a mentalist, y'know?"

Senku stops himself from going out and turns to Gen.

"Well, they do say that if you love something you have to set them free."
With that, Senku goes out of the lab, leaving Gen alone.

"Except that you miss something from that sentence. 'If they come back to you, that means they are yours.'. And you knew that that won't happen don't you, Senku-chan? Which is why you purposely left that out."
Gen heaves a sigh at Senku's attitude. Deep in his heart, he felt genuine sympathy for that friend of his.

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