❥thoughtful present [s. ukyo & i. senku]

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Ukyo x Reader x Slight! Senku

You walk towards Senku who's focused on doing his experiment for God-knows what. You knew that he sense your presence but decided to ignore you. You don't mind though, he won't ignore you once you started a conversation anyway.

"Hey, Senku...if you could, can you--"

"I refuse."
His quick response cuts you off before you get the chance to even said to him what you want.

"Hey! At least let me finish my sentence!"
You shouted at him with an annoyed expression. He simply heaves a sigh and makes the same equal annoyed face.

"You're probably just gonna ask me to help you with something anyway. I'm busy as of right now so could you please play somewhere else."
He makes a hand gesture as if he's shooing an animal which irks you.

"RUDE!!! Come on, Senku! Won't you help a friend who's in need for you??? As a price, I'll work twice my part for the upcoming projects. Pretty plissss...."
You beg him and give him your best puppy eyes to get him to help you.

At the mention of you willing to work yourself twice your part for the upcoming projects, Senku's eyes glint and he grins devilishly at you.

"You'll really work twice your part? Well, now that's an interesting deal. Kukuku...You can't go back on your words now, just to let you know."

You choked internally and sweats uncontrollably. It seems like you have just asked for the help of a devil. And as for exchange, you're offering him your soul--- I mean, your labor lol.
(JSHK reference anyone lol)

"So, what do you want me to help you with?"
Senku asks, now fully focusing his attention to you. You fist pump internally while still maintaining your calm composure. Can't let him know how badly you wanted to grin from ear to ear as of right now.

"Yeah, actually I want to ask you to help me make a present...."
You timidly admit it while fidgeting with your fingers.

Senku glances at your fidgeting fingers then stare at your face. He could almost see where this conversation is going at.

"For Ukyo?"
He finally asks and your head jerked up, eyes glittering at him.

"As expected of my best friend! You do know what I'm thinking after all!"
You laugh loudly while slapping his back so hard it will most probably leave a mark.

"Hey, stop that! If you want a help to think of a present to give to a person you're interested in, I'm not the guy. Go ask someone else. Taiju, or Chrome, or Gen, or Ryusui or someone else."
Senku quickly shows his disinterest and turns his face away from you.

"Okay, first of all, there's no one here whose name is 'someone else'. Don't know why you suggested them twice though. Second of all, I can't work with any of those guys! I'd like a help from someone with the modern world knowledge so Chrome's out. Taiju is too honest and he's helpless in this type of thing himself. Gen is okay since he's a mentalist and all but I don't want him to meddle in my business and be a matchmaker or something. As soon as he knew I have a crush on Ukyo, he's gonna make a big fuss of it, I'm sure of it! And Ryusui.....I get a feeling that the percentage of our work will only be 5% while the other 95% is just him flirting or something....Anyways, you're my only hope so please...!!"
You slide in a pinch of sarcasm before you reject all of his suggestion. You then continue to beg for his help with your clasped hands.

"There's a ten billion percent you just made that up for your own convenience."
Senku smirks bitterly at you. You just pout at his nonchalance.

"You actually wanted to make something of the modern tech, right? That's why you came to me. You probably just wants to make something that can't be obtained in this stone world."
Senku exposed you and you just blinks blankly at him.

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