Recollecting Pain

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Recollecting Pain


I glared at him. My tears evaporated so fast as the anger made it way through every crevice of my body. I felt my blood boil and my fist clenched instantly. The thousands of questions in my mind seemed to disappear as well. My mind just clouded by the two words that came out of his mouth. Calm down Cayli... I took a few deep breaths and distanced myself from the mystery man. Making sure I wasn't within a close distance. I was sure that somehow he would get my blood to boil again and I didn't want to lose it. 

"Explain something to me" I glared at him. Clearly still annoyed.

He merely nodded.

"You know what happened to me, right?" I asked with my attention full cast on his lips. Ready for the first answer of hopefully, the many I would hear today.

"Yes" he shut his eyes for a few seconds before continuing. "That's precisely why I want to bloody kill Zayn." he growled.

I held in the urge to arrgue and bolted another question at him. "Where were you?"

Whoever you are...

"I was in Ireland still with the boys. Zayn left a few hours early because he claimed something bad had occurred within his family." 

I nodded. "Oh.." My lips remained in a perfect "o" before I rummaged up another question " why?"

"I don't wa-" He stopped talking and  took a deep breath. His eyes shut.

"Ask another one" he whispered clearly uncomfortable.

"Okay, this one might be a little complicated but I remember being in the car with Zayn and He wouldn't stop. He wouldn't listen to me, he just kept driving faster and faster. I remember feeling the most horrid pain I could ever imagine..." I looked up towards him staring intently at me with his eyes glossed over with a fresh coat of tears before I continued.

"But the problem was, we hadn't crashed yet. I remember seeing the truck speeding towards us but the pain, that unforgettable pain. It was very much there and Zayn had this look in his eyes before it all.. went black. I want to know if you know what was wrong? Did we get hit by two cars and I somehow blocked it out?" My eyes were on the floor now. I refused to see that pained look in his eyes again. It was starting to get to me, and if it continued there would only be so much I could take before the pain also engulfed me.

"y-you.." I felt the floorboards creak.

"I can't" he whispered. "I can't do this"

 "Harry please..." I cupped my face in my hands with my body still on the floor unmoved.

I heard his footsteps come to a hault and lifted my face out of my hands.

"Yo-you remember me?" A glimmer of hope and life came back onto his now red face.

"No, not exactly. I looked through my texts..and when you said you were in Ireland it clicked" I maintained my gaze on my hands as I fidgeted with my nail polish again.

He stood there for a while, his lips slightly parted as if he was going to say something but was forcefully  fighting within himself on whether to say whatever it was that he wanted to say. That glimmer of life I had talked about earlier ? Well that was gone.

"Do the Doctors know when I should remember?" I broke the awkward silence.

"They don't know. Memory can be unpredictable. You may never remember."

I sighed. " I'll never know what caused this bloody awful cut"

He looked at me, no emotion present anymore.

"What the hell caused this?" I said pointing towards my abdomen. I was tempted to show him but it was near my lower regions and I thought that might be awkward... There was a rather deep cut running through it, Only to be stitched back up. It was obviously from the accident. I was just curious as to how I got it there...

"That reminds me we have to get going to the hospital...You have a checkup" he said changing the subject.

"Is Zayn there?" I asked worry taking over me suddenly.

"Cayli, please get ready and meet me outside." He muttered  ignoring me again and quickly made his way out towards the sofa.

I grunted at his actions and made my way towards the bathroom which happened to be in the room saving me the effort and annoyance of walking a long distance.

I managed to get ready fairly quickly and in no time at all we were in front of the nurses desk,

"Hi, we're here for an appointment with Dr. Hawthorne" Harry's deep voice echoed through the nearly empty reception area.

 "Ah, yes. You must be Caylani." she looked up from her computer.

I nodded.

"Dr.Hawthorne should be with you shortly. Have a seat." she said with a genuine smile.

"I'm going to use the bathroom okay?' I walked off before I heard his reply and stepped towards the bright corridor that contained the bathroom.

I quickly made my way towards the bathroom door only to get the wind knocked out of me. I heard a husky deep voice and footsteps and I instantly knew I had let out a scream, before the obnoxious mind-numbingly annoying screech sound overcame my hearing like earlier that day.

Flash ~

Images clouded every part of my mind. Street lights. Cars. A bloody road. Dozen and dozen pieces of shattered glass. Tears clouded my vision. Zayn was sprawled out across a gurney before they put him into the ambulance. I looked down and my eyes met with... 


The screeching sound fizzled out quicker this time but  the information I was provided with was crucial. I quickly flicked my eyelids open and noticed a crowd formed above me. I took a look around at each person until my eyes met on the one person I thought familiar. He crouched down and I instantly fell into his arms, my face nuzzled into his neck as the tears cascaded down my face. 

"what did you see?" his warm deep voice whispered into my right ear.

"I I-"

I knew that trying to speak at the moment was bound to be a struggle.

"shh, its okay I'm here" he said as his lips met with my forehead and he slowly stood, taking me along with him.

We walked back towards the reception area, but just as we were about to sit down the nurse from earlier called us up and lead us to our room.

I entered first, followed by Harry. I took a seat on the raised hospital chair as I attempted to calm down my tears. I didn't want to seem like a horrid mess, when the Doctor came in.

"Hello, I'm Dr.Hawthorne" her initial smiled faded when she saw the expression on my face.

"Are you okay, honey?" she asked her angelic voice echoing through the quiet room.

I took a deep breath before opening my mouth to speak but nothing came out. I turned my head to look at Harry and than back at the Doctor.

"W-where's my baby?" I felt my voice shake and an overwhelming amount of tears cascade once more down my face. I cupped my hands in my face as I connected the dots and came to realize where the scar had come from.

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