"Alright. I will get someone and we will come and grab the dog as soon as we get drug doses from Dr. Min." Hongjoong said. Jimin and I nodded and then headed back to our area.

Mingi's POV

I watched as Hongjoong was speaking with Jimin from the EC department and a girl that was with him. "Holy fuck, that girl is hot." I said under my breath and I knew I fell in love instantly. "Hey Mingi! I need you to come with me to the EC department. They have a great dane that is transferring for surgery." Hongjoong said. Hongjoong and I walked over to the EC area and there she was. If my life were a show or movie, it would show her hair billowing in the wind with rays of light surrounding her. She was pure perfection; a pure goddess.

While Hongjoon was unhooking the patient from the IV fluids, I decided to take the time to talk with Y/n. I wanted to know everything about her and maybe, just maybe, we could go on a date. Just the thought of a possible date made my heart go crazy.

"Hey Y/n. Any changes to the patient's status?" I asked. I didn't want to sound too eager so I began with work stuff and hoped it would progress into me asking her more personal questions. "Nope still stable. The mom is a little intense but she is sweet. Just in case you have to speak to her." "Sounds good. We will take good care of him." She smiled at me and I thought I had died and gone to heaven.

We talked for about 10 minutes until Dr. Namjoon interrupted us. "Don't you have places to be instead of standing around and flirting with my tech." He spat. I was about to say something but before I could open my mouth, Y/n snapped back at him. "We are only talking. There are no patients here so why are you being rude to him? He did nothing wrong so there is no reason for you to have a stick up your ass."

I could see the fire in her eyes as she spoke and I fell even harder for her. I looked over at Dr. Namjoon who was fuming. He looked like he wanted to say something but he held his tongue and walked away. "I will talk to you later Y/n." "I'm sorry he was such a dick to you. I feel like he is so used to people blindly being obedient to him that he hates when we start to not do exactly as he says. Anyways. We should hang out sometime." She said. "Absolutely! Here is my number. Feel free to call or text anytime." I said before walking away. I was soaring. She actually wants to get together sometime. I knew that nothing could bring me down not even Dr. Namjoon being a complete asshole.

"What's got you smiling from ear to ear?" Dr. Min asked as he walked into the room. "Just met the woman of my dreams." "Ah. Well don't let it get in the way of your work." He said monotonously. Dr. Min has always been a blunt dry person but he is the best surgeon that we have and I was elated that he picked me to be on his team.

Namjoon's POV

I hate slow days. The day just drags on and on and all I want to do is go home.

I kept glancing over at Y/n interact with Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung occasionally. My mind kept wandering to what Jimin was talking about when he was telling me about his time at Y/n's apartment. She refuses to let me fuck her but she will fuck them with no problem. I don't care if she was drunk or not. She was being hypocritical.

"I will be in my office. Call in there if you need me. Don't come in!" I ordered. I wanted to sleep to help past the time. Y/n furrowed her brow at my order but didn't say anything. I began to walk away when Taehyung said. "We wouldn't dare walk in. We wouldn't want to catch you fucking some chick on your desk or you jacking off in there."

"Watch your mouth Taehyung. Don't think that I won't fire you, because I will." I growled. Jimin, Jungkook, and Y/n were holding back their laughter. I walked out of the room but I could still hear them laughing at Taehyung's comment.

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