part 1

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"oh shoot" a girl infront of her paper sighed.her friend come near her and asked what's wrong.

"look at this" she pointed her paper work which has until number 28."you didn't do number 29 and 30 yet?" her friend asked.

"well yeah that's problem" her friend furrowed her eyebrows not understanding what she said. "if I put 29 in this paper,I need a new paper but it's just number 30 so that number will be lonely" she explained.

"that's what you're worried?you know I become you,I'll be worried cause that's a waste of paper" her friend shake her head seeing her worried about those things.

"you know what?I'm gonna put number 29 at the new paper too" she bright her face after getting the new idea. "whatever you wanna do,at least you're happy with it"

~ ~

28 sat under 27 seeing 29 still waiting to sit at the corner. "I wish 29 will sit under me" 28 told 27 and squealed.

"I feel like every second I see you,you're always wih's like you can't even let her go even a second" 28 scoffed at 27 statement.

"I feel like it's been a thousand year since I sit here waiting for 29" 28 looked at 29 at the corner with it puppy eyes.

30 sighed beside 29 and 29 saw it.29 asked 30 what's wrong and it explained that it'll lonely because there's only one number left to sit with the others.

"don't worry then I'm gonna sit with you at the new paper" 29 smiled at 30. "don't you want to sit with them?" 30 asked.

"watching people sad is more sad than me being sad" 29 explained.30 smiled at 29 and they went to sit at the new paper together.

"wait what?!" 28 look at 29 walking with 30 to the new paper. "ouh looks like somebody has a new friend" 27 smirked.

"shut up you just sit up there you number 27" 28 glared making 27 scared and sit propely.

28 pulled 27 and whispered "you need to help me to stay 30 away from 29,I heard that whoever got near 29 something unexpected always happend".

"t-then what about you?you said want 29 and just now you said something might happend" 27 asked the number.28 ignore 27's question and continue to watch 29 and 30 walking together.

"come on let's sit" 29 tapped the place where 30 will sit."you know you don't have to do this" 30 said with a worried face.

"nu uh I am sitting here with you and that is it" 30 sighed in defeat and sat under 29.

~ ~

"finally I'm done with this stupid assignment" the girl streched her arms and gather the paper then put it in the folder.she leave the folder on the table and went out of her room.

~ ~

"I don't know we'll sit together until the end of the work" 30 let out an awkward laugh to 29. "I wish I will sit with more" 29 smiled.

"w-well it's possible cause 30 and you're 29" 30's statement makes 29 happy and want to always sit 30.

"hey 29" 28 said with 27 following the number behind it."ouh hey 28,sorry I couldn't sit with you today cause I want to accompany 30" 29 apologise.

"no no it's not you fault" 28 smiled at 29 "maybe someone's" 28 glared at 30.

"u-uh I gotta go now" 30 excused itself and left 29 with 27 and 28.

"I'm sorry did you say something after it's not my fault?" 29 asked 28 shooked it head telling 29 it's nothing.

"you're lucky 29 didn't heard it" 27 said behind 28.28 looked at 27 with glare making 29 more confuse.

"I didn't heard what?" 29 asked more."nah it's nothing important,it's just about 27" 28 said.

"what is it about 27" 29 continue to ask."uh...27 is an unlucky number" 27 make an unbelievable face to 28.

"no" before 27 could continue 28 closed it mouth." haha 27's a little weird today,sorry we gotta go now.hope to sit with you next time" with that 28 left with headlocking 27.

"weird..." 29 mumbled but just let them be.

29 ~ 30 // numberWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt