“Well did Jonah know you were with Justin?”

            “No but it’s not like anything’s going on between Justin and I. We’re just friends.”

            “You are not just friends Reina! When will you understand that? You guys have sex and whether you’d like to believe it or not friends who have sex with each other never can stay just friends. Eventually one of you will wind up having feelings for the other one. I know you don’t believe it now but trust me.”

            “Well as of now I don’t have feelings for him and he doesn’t have feelings for me so we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it although it’s never getting built. We had an agreement Casey. We’re not going to ruin that by catching feelings for each other and I don’t want that anyways.”

            “Okay you might not want that but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t.”

            “Where in the hell is all of this coming from? I get that it’s complicated between us but having feelings for each other isn’t one. I would never date Justin because we aren’t like that. We’re just like good at flirting and having sex and that’s honestly it. When it comes down to an emotional connection it’s not there because he doesn’t know how to be compassionate and that’s just the honest truth. He’s an asshole ninety percent of the time.”

            “Just be careful.” She finally said after about a minute. “You don’t want to hurt anyone Reina.”

            “And I’m not going to. I know things look bad but honestly we’re fine and I’ve got it under control. I’m not going to hurt anyone and as of now Justin and I are just two people who have sex and nothing more. I’m gonna go take a shower okay?”

            Walking over to my dresser, I started to rummage through my heaps of clothing to find something to wear and settled on a pair of plaid pajama pants and a t-shirt. The only thing I had planned to do for the night was watch Netflix so giving her a small smile, I exited the room and headed for the showers.

            I’m not sure why the conversation of Justin and I was being brought up so much lately and the fact that it is just confuses me because honestly I thought of Justin as just someone to have sex with and I was being honest when I said he was an ass like today when he wouldn’t even pay for my hot dog. He wouldn’t know how to treat a girl if it hit him in the face and that’s just that. That’s all there is to it.



            “What the hell are we even doing here?” Casey groaned. “It’s only our first week in college and I’m already letting my roommate drag me to a party. I’m doomed.”

            “Oh calm down Casey. This guy named Scott in my math class said they were throwing a party at their house tonight and invited me to come and he told me to bring a friend and as of now you’re the only friend I’ve got. We can try to make this fun, okay? If in a half hour you still aren’t having fun then we’ll leave and I promise you that.”

            That seemed to calm her down temporarily because I finally got the chance to ring the doorbell, fumbling with the end of my black body con dress that surrounded my body. Casey said she was utterly jealous of it and that must mean it looked good on me thankfully.

            “Hey!” Scott shouted over the music, pulling me in for a hug. “Glad you could make it. Who’s your friend?”

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