A Change

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Tom packed his things into his bag. It was the last class of the day. He had plenty of time to head back to the dorm to study and work on homework before he had to attend to his head duties.

He wondered how Hermione was doing. Probably dancing away and having fun with Potter. Maybe she would come back to tell him how Potter had asked if he could court her. Tom deserved it if she did.

If it wasn't for Tom's interference, would Potter have asked her out? No, he didn't want to see Potter with the girl he loved. Yes, Tom had finally come to the conclusion that that was the emotion he was feeling. But, he wanted to see Hermione with someone who could protect her and Potter was the best person for that task.

Tom walked up the flights of stairs not paying attention to his surroundings. He was perfectly fine at navigating the school on autopilot.

If Potter had asked to court Hermione then would their relationship change? Would Hermione still consider him a friend? Did she even consider him as a friend now? He had to admit that she treated him differently than everyone else. Was it because she knew the truth about him and was just trying to be polite? No, Hermione was always polite, even when she was being rude. A unique trait that usually only Slytherins and Hufflepuffs possessed.

Tom came upon the portrait to his dorm. He flashed his badge to Merlin. Merlin Dabberforth, not Merlin the greatest wizard known, was the portrait that guarded his and Hermione's dorm. It frustrated Tom that it wasn't the other Merlin then he could have asked him many questions. Though the old fool probably wouldn't be able to answer any of them, being a portrait and all.

The portrait swung open and Tom entered. He came to a stop and his bag fell to the ground. Hermione looked up at the noise. Upon seeing him, she quickly dried her eyes. His blood boiled to see her in that state.

"Why were you crying," hissed Tom. He scolded himself. He had not meant for his voice to come out so venomous and cold.

"Sorry," apologized Hermione. She got up off the couch and started to head to her room. She was still wearing her dress. Tom walked after her and stopped her from getting away from him.

"Did something happen?"

Hermione looked up at him with a startled expression. "You were serious about wanting to know?" Tom gritted his teeth. Did she just see him as being fake? That his emotions were nothing but a facade? Though, he hadn't let her know that his emotions were more real and not just a facade ever since he told her the truth behind his conception. He felt Hermione's shoulders sag beneath his grip. "It was Fleamont."

Tom's hands curled into fists. He let go of her shoulder and moved to the door. He was going to kill Potter. He had trusted the Gryffindor and he had done something to hurt Hermione.

"Where are you going?" Hermione asked nervously.

"To kill Potter," admitted Tom through clenched teeth.

He heard Hermione gasp behind him. The heels of her shoes clicked against the brick flooring. Then, to Tom's surprise, she clasped her tiny fingers around his wrist. "You will do no such thing," she said haltingly.

Tom turned on her with a narrowed gaze. "He hurt you."

Hermione shook her head. "No he did not. All he merely did was confess to me. I'm sad because it made me realize that I do have feelings for someone who's not him." Tom felt his heart clench. It was a relief that Potter had not harmed her. Now, he wouldn't have to harm someone she considered a friend. But that still left the question, who did Hermione's heart belong to?

Hermione let go of him when she felt him relax. Would she grab him again if he tensed up? Merlin, he was becoming like every other boy. As much as it pained him, he would have to ask Abraxas for some advice.

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