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"do you think i could come over?"

" i don't know sean, it's getting kinda late."

"please kayc, we haven't seen each other in over two weeks"

he waited patiently for a response

"okay," she gave in "you have to bring me snacks though." kaycee added

sean grinned through the phone "done."


sean hadn't been to the rice household in months

they usually gravitated towards hanging out at his place because they got more privacy

but no matter sean was excited to finally be seeing kaycee in person

they had talked a decent amount over the phone and through face time

from the bits and pieces kaycee had told him her and her mom weren't on the best of terms at the moment

no matter sean packed his bookbag and stopped by the store before he made his way over.

he rang the doorbell and hummed to himself as he waited

"is that sean lew i see?"

sean couldn't help but laugh

"the sean lew, i think it is." "come here dude."

he welcomed a bro hug from devon who was just as excited to see him

"it's kinda late, what're you doing here?" he asked as he let sean inside, who immediately took off his shoes causing devon to laugh

"i came to hang out with kayc-"

he was interrupted by kylie who engulfed him in a bear hug

"what's goin' on lewser? how you been?"

by them his cheeks hurt from smiling so much "nothing much, i've been good."

"that's good to hear, you gotta come around more."

"i know, i know."

kaycee stood back as she watched her siblings interact with sean

it made her happy to see them welcome him with open arms, they always did of course, but she still appreciated it

"well the folks are out of town, i was put in charge-" devon started

"no you weren't-" kylie interrupted him "we're all too old for that-"

"yeah but i'm the oldest soooo, i'm automatically in charge by default."

"that's not how that works, you don't even live here."

"okay and, you two are much too young to be left home alone,"

kylie batted her eyelashes "too young, I'm twenty two-"

i think of you (sean and kaycee)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang