"That was.....awesome!" me and my brother exclaim, high fiving each other.

My mom smiles. "It was no big deal."

Me, Scott and Ethan exit the hospital. "I didn't do anything to Danny," he defends.

"The minute you two got here, you went right for Danny," Scott points out.

"While your brother went for Lydia," I add.

"I won't hurt him. We knew one of them, Danny or Lydia, would be important to you two. Now we figured out that that person is Lydia."

"Woah, Danny means just as much to me as Lydia does," I say.

My vision flashes again:

There are thousands of moths surrounding me, some crawling on my skin. I swat the away as much as I can but it seems like they're multiplying. One glow off my eyes and they scatter. I'm back in the parking lot but it's empty and abandoned. I walk a little out ad see a figure in the distant. The back of its head is white and bald. Before I can investigate more, I feel the sharpest pain ever shoot through my body.

I'm back in actual reality. I look up to see a car coming right toward me. This is the first time an accident is about to happen and nothing is slowing down. "Scarlett!"

Ethan tackles me to the ground and out the way. The car slams into the back of another one. There is no one inside but Scott finds a single moth on the driver's seat. I look at the moth and feel sick. I stumble back a bit and fall on my hands and knees. "Hey, Scar, you okay?" Ethan asks.

Before I can respond, my stomach contracts so violently that I have no time to reach for a bag, bucket or run to the bathroom. Chunks of food covers in the creamy chyme from my stomach splatters on the floor. I heave and, once more, the ground was sprayed. I retched until only clear liquid is coming up. My throat feels sore from the stomach acid that is layering it and her mouth taste like vomit. Scott waits before he tries to pick me up. But, I don't let him. I do let him get me a mint and ginger ale. While Sheriff Stilinski takes my mom's statement about the two missing doctors, Stiles and Scott work out that these latest disappearances are definitely part of the Darach sacrifices. Stiles remembers something. "Deaton mentioned healers as one of the groups of three that might be targets."

We are confused as to why Danny was fed mistletoe since it doesn't fit the pattern. Scott listens in on the sheriff's phone conversation and learns they've found another body. Isaac and Scott decide to watch over me and my mom to make sure she isn't the next sacrifice. I sleep next to her in her bed. When I wake up, the two are sleep. I look over at my mom who was shaking her head at them. "What are you boys doing?" she says.

They jump up at attention. "We were making sure you weren't the next healer sacrifice," Scott replies.

"But you two were sleep, " I say.

Scott makes a thinking face then looks at Isaac. "You were on watch last."

"What are you talking about? You were on watch last."

"No, you were on watch last."

Isaac pauses for a second then looks at my mom. "I might have been on watch last."

I'm getting dressed when I look over to see Isaac and Scott standing in the doorway. "Um...is there something I can do for you two?"

They exchange some looks then holds out a small piece of paper. I slowly take it and straighten it. In big black bold letters, it read, 'WARRIOR'. "Where did you find this?"

"On your motorcycle," Isaac replies.

"So what?"

Scott sighs. "Scar, I think you should stick close to me or Derek for a while. That could mean you're apart of these sacrifices."

My Love for Derek Hale *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now