Who is it?

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"Stop stop" Layla whispers to he boyfriend John as he kisses her neck."My dad is calling be quiet" she pushs him back.She answer's the phone "hey dad what's up"she stutters into the microphone."Hi sweety,i should be home soon and John better not be over there" he says with a tone that kinda scares layla."He's not over here and come on I'm seventeen now I'm very responsible" she says while looking at John because she knows that is a lie."That's not truthful but anyways sweety I'll be home in a hour and a half."Ok dad I'll see you then" she says then hangs up."Babe you have to leave" she says as she gets of the bed and puts on her clothes."Why we still have a hour and a half" john says in a confused tone."No you have to go now,i have to still do my homework and clean" she's continued as she starts handing his stuff to him.She opens the window and motions for him to go out the window."Text me later,ok? John whispers."I will" layla replies,they share one last passionate kiss before he climbs out the window. After she sees him drive off,she cleans up her room and does her school work.She finishes her school work then walks down the stairs where she is greeted by her dog rango.She pats him on his head then walks into the kitchen.When she gets into the kitchen,she opens the cabinet and grabs some candy.As she it pouring her candy into her bowl,she hears something.She drops some of her candy because the noise startled her."Crap" she exclaims,she finally realized the sound was the door.Layla walks closer to the door, "Who is it" she says in a loud voice.

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