The prince of the forest

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Bambi's POV

Hello! My name is Bambi! It's a pleasure to meet you! I'll be telling a lil bit about my life too. So, I love in the forest with my best friend, Thumper and our buddy, Flower. My dad is sometimes around too. My mom is always with me spiritually. She's in heaven, I know that. She comes to visit me in dreams sometimes. The forest is most of the time a super fun and relaxing place to be but occasionally it's full of scary adventures. There could be hunters or bully deer like Ronno. Thumper is always defending us tho. I get picked on a lot for being small and Flower well... he's very feminine and likes boy animals so he gets bullied for that. I like one animal. She's a girl deer and her name is Faline. I think I'm in love with her. She's beautiful and she still seems to think I'm cool even tho I get super awkward around her. But I'm trying to learn to keep myself together a bit more. I'm learning more everyday. I've got this. I've just gotta believe in myself

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