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This is when I was 10 years old and if you may have guess by reading the chapter name I drowned. I just want to let this out just so I keep track of how many times I was drowning to death. Anyways back to the story. I decided to swim a bit far away from the beach and swim back. Don't ask me why. I was trying to swimming back to shore but I was getting a tad bit tired and well... I was sinking a bit. soon I was under water and I was trying my best to swim back up. And who would have guessed? I was drowning. Luckily a life guard saw me and swam right to me. That is one time I drowned. Now for the rest. Now if can't tell... I can't swim that good. That's how I got into this mess. This mess as in drowning. This other time was when me and my class took a field trip to Killarny so we could go swimming. Me and two of my friends decided to take a challenge. The challenge was who could reach the bottom of the deep end. We all went and soon one of my friends went up a quarter way. Soon the other went up halfway. I was still going down until I reached the bottom. And again... I was drowning. I swam up as fast as I could and I was about to let go until I made it back up taking in deep breaths. I guess I could say another time I drowned. Ever went to a very crowded place in a water park? It's terrible. At some points it is but others it's fun. I'm just going to shorten this down. How did I drown? Due to the crowd of people constantly dunking others down. That's how. Anyways I guess it's safe for me to say that I get to see another day.

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