altered DNA.

My brother and I have often tried toescape. But they always managed to capture us before

we could leave the area. Since thenthey have made us incapacitated after training each time

and tried with various medications toobfuscate our consciousness. What they did not know

though ... that we still noticedeverything around us! We were just waiting for the right


Jimin's P.O.V.

Dr. Agma: "Mr. Park! Also, I wouldlike to congratulate you on behalf of my company, to take

over the business of your father. Ihope that our companies continue to work in cooperation.

As a token of our full respect andloyalty, I would like to invite you to visit my company and

show you our special department whereyour father has been investing for years. Furthermore,

your father has had a gift prepared foryou. Which I am to hand over to your ascension as clan

leaders. If it suits you, Iwould like to make an appointment with you for tomorrow! Of course

only if you do not mind time!I have a lot of new projects that I would like to introduce! I hope to

continue yoursupport and of course you will own certain parts of the project. I hope I could

arouse yourinterest Mr. Park !?"

Mr. Park: "No, nor really! I donot think much of you and your research Dr. Agma! But still,

I would look at your current research.After all, we have invested a lot of money into your

company! Even though mostly only halfway usablecyborgs came out of it!"

Dr. Agma: "I assure you, Mr. Park,that my new projects are promising! You will be satisfied!"

Mr. Park: "That's what we'll seetomorrow, if I'm not satisfied, I will not invest another penny in

it, so you should be aware of whathappens if you do not convince me tomorrow!"

Dr. Agma: "Mr. Park, I assure you...!"

Mr. Park: "Enough now, I have more important things to do than deal with unfruitful cyborgs!"

Dr. Agma: "As you wish, Mr. Park!"*stares at him angrily*

Mr Park: "Very good! As everyonein this room has already noticed, I'm not my father! From

today on, things will be different and I would advise each of you to follow my instructions!"

All: "Yes Mr. Park!"

Mr. Park: "Great, let's get into interesting topics now! Ms. Lee, how is my rival, Mr. Jackson?"

Ms. Lee: "I do not understand what you mean, Mr. Park!"

Mr. Park: "No, of course not Ms.Lee!" *sarcastic* "I can imagine that his charm must completely

confuse you!" *pulls a gun out ofhis waistband*

Mr. Park: "Give my rival Mr.Jackson nice greetings in your next life! *Shoot her right in the head*

Mrs. Lee's face fell to the table.

Mr. Park: "Has Anyone else questionable relations with our competitors? No?! Very nice! Then

the meeting is over!"

Jimin got up and buttoned his suit. He put back the gun in his waistband as he left the room.

Dr. Agma's P.O.V.

Angrily, the door slams shut behind him.

Dr. Agma: "What is this arrogant villain actually forming? Good that I programmed his gift a

little differently than his father wanted! Soon I will be the head of the mafia and you will lose ...

Park Jimin!"

Z1/2's P.O.V.

I was waiting for the appropriate time when I completely stopped the functioning of my heart.

My pulse dropped to zero and things got hectic around me. Various instructions were called and

finally the lid of my water prison was opened. This stupid man could not have made a bigger

mistake. In a flash I reached for the first employee and moved into under water. It wasn't long

before his body stopped twitching. Gunshots were heard and the water tank that I was in broke.

Within a minute I had killed everyone in the room. With a loving smile, I went to the water tank

where my beloved sister was, but suddenly I heard something behind me.

where my beloved sister was, but suddenly I heard something behind me

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Dr. Agma: "Z1/2 go away from your sister! That's an order!"

Z1/2: "Oh hello Dr. Agma ... or should I call you father?"

Dr. Agma: "Z1/2 obey my instructions, go away from your sister!"

Z1/2: "And if I do not feel like following your orders, what then?"

Dr. Agma: "I'm going to eliminate you! Z2/2 is too dangerous for let you free her!

The world out there isnot what you think it is, people will not understand what you are,

they will fear and hate you!"

Z1/2: "We'll see it, we'll fightthrough it!"

Dr. Agma: "Do you intend to killeveryone here ?!"

Z1/2: * laughs * "I do not! But...she will!"

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