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Alex and I choose to do the bestfriend tag video
He sets up the camera
Alex: ready
I was holding Henry as well
I smiled at him
Alex: before we start
He kisses me
I blush
He smiles and we started the video
Alex: hey guy-actually you wanna do my intro
You: ong
Alex: Ong
You: ok bet
You:what is up you guys it's ya boy Alex it blesiv here or whatever you want to call me and today I'm coming out with a BRAND NEW YOUTUBE VIDEOOOO
Alex pov
I was looking at diamond while she was doing my intro I couldn't believe she remembered it I looked at her and was smiling the whole time
I turned and smiled at Alex after I finished
Alex: you did sooo good how you remember it
You:I've watched your videos duh
Henry repeated after me
You: haha
Alex: ok guys so uh we will be doing the bestfriend tag since we're bestfriends
Alex: ok you wanna go first
You: ok uh when's my bday
Alex: *your bday *
You: ok
Alex: when mine
You: October 2oth
Alex: ok ok
You: my favorite color
Alex: blue and red
You: and yours is red
You:ok uhh my shoe size
Alex: Idk uh 7.5
You: yea actually
We both laughed
Henry: what's my faveorite cowlor
You: yea red
Henry: ya
Alex: d how long have we have been friends
You: ok since pre-K so 16 years
Alex: ok ok
You: how many boyfriends have u had
Alex: 3
You: yes
We did some more questions and we later ended the YouTube video
Alex: you did good
You: I know and Henry you did great
Alex: yea big boy
You: you sleepy Henry
Henry nodded
Alex: here I will take him to his room
You: ok
I sat in his bed and went on my phone
Alex came back
Alex: bruh you looked so cute doing my intro
You: I saw you staring at me the whole time
Alex: I couldn't help my self
Alex picks me and puts me on his lap with my legs wrapped around his waist
Alex: your my everything
You: your mine
Alex: I wanna ask you something
You: what is it
Alex: ....

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