Chapter 5~Prison hours

Start from the beginning

 "Well,well Lance McClain to what do I owe the pleasure?"I scoffed while continue walking forward.

"Nothing,just wanted to check up on My Cariño.Plus we're heading the same way so why not walk together?"Lance spoke.He adjusted his backpack as we continued to walk forward

"Sure why not."shrugging at Lance's answer.To be honest my heart is going at 210 beats per minute(Authors note;weirdly specific but ok)just walking next to Lance.Thankfully it doesn't become awkward 'cause he starts a conversation.We end up laughing so hard as we near our stop,but I can't help,and get the feeling that someone's watching us.While we were waiting for my bus,we ended up heading into a convenience store,and just end up messing around before we buy our stuff.

Romelle's P.O.V

Something seems off today.Keith and that nobody have been hanging out lately,and I think he's starting to choose his friend over ME!I huff in annoyance at the thought.I'm getting to the bottom of this,so I started following them after class,I almost ended up getting caught because my keithy~ kept looking back.Eventually they stopped at a disgusting bus stop.I hate commoner places like this,so I never took such a way to travel.Instead I would borrow daddy's' corvette !

 'What on earth is Keith doing here!?He never thought highly of commoner places like this either! That's why we always took the corvette.'I secretly sneak into the convenience store,and grab a pair of sunglasses off the rack near me to blend in.'Lance' what's his face kept making gross puns,and I ended up cringing at every single one of them.

'Tch why is Keithy~ hanging out with this weirdo?If he gets caught with a loser like him his whole reputation could be at risk!Besides Keithy~ hates jokes like these,I should know!I've known Keith ever since primary school!'I thought.

  Except something caught me off guard today...Keith actually laughed,Genuinely laughed at the weirdos jokes!I was shocked,but more pissed off then anything.This is not ok,This has to stop.I take the glasses off,and take some steps backwards and prepare to open the door and make it look like I just walked in.

Romelle's P.O.V ended

Wow!I haven't had this much fun since...Well,EVER!Lance and I  have been making all sorts of jokes and vines as we pass by everything we see.After we settled down though we took a moment to look at each other.The lighting from Lances face made him look like an angel,and I sighed contently just looking at this precious cinnamon roll.Just then the door swung open,and there before me stood a terror...Lance turned to look at the door and see why my smile dropped.As he turned his head his face turned into a questioning  look.

  "OH KEITH!KEITHY~"A high pitched voice called.Before I could process what was happening the girl hugged her arms around my neck and snuggled close to me,kissing my cheek somewhere in that process.

I sigh in defeat "Hey Romelle.Why are you here?"I eternally groaned from having this Regina George in front of me.

Giggling,Romelle replies with "Aww baby don't act that way!You know you love me!And I love you too!"She snuggled even closer to me(If That was somewhat possible.I look over at Lance to try,and get his help but there's an expression in his eyes that I can't help place my finger on.I successfully tugged,and yanked at Romelle's arms to make them fall.

"What do you want?Don't call me 'baby',or 'keithy',or whatever else your quiznacking sick mind can think off."I scowl.Romelle still doesn't step down and instead just moves onto clinging to my arm.Lance just looks emotionless,so he turns to the side.

"I'm gonna grab a slurpee"He mumbles.He made quick work to disappear behind a few aisles and gets to the back.

 I try to run after him but Romelle won't let go.Romelle basically crashed my whole hangout with Lance.Afte Lance came back looking better but still upset,we payed for everything.Romelle still follows us to the bus stop,and every time Lance tries to talk she cuts him off.Poor Lance...He has a scowl on his face,and I can tell he's annoyed.He clenched his jaw,and tightened a fist.I don't know what I was doing but I instinctively grabbed his hand,and gave it a firm squeeze(alerting him in the process).He stares at me in disbelief,then turns away from me.I give him a confused look,but just shake my head and lean in his ear.

 "Sorry about Romelle dude.I've tried to get rid of her,but she just won't listen."I hope he understands,that I don't want her here anymore either.He sighs and leans in as well.

"No problem dude,Plus we always have other days,right"He whispers,giving me a half-hearted smile in the process.

  Luckily Romelle couldn't see us holding hands.Lance gave me a squeeze to indicate a small gesture to what I did.As I realized what we were doing,I turned a bright pink,and just kept walking not letting go until my bus was here...

Sadly Romelle ruined me and Lance's sweet goodbye,and she got on the bus with me to ride home with me to get to Shiros' house.Whats even more sad is that when we sat down,It gave her more access to cuddle me.The same bus driver from last time eyed me suspiciously until I sent him a pleading look,and he whispered 'poor chap' under his breath.Once I got to my door,I broke away from her grip,ran inside than slammed the door shut before she could step in.I sighed,and she stood outside for 20 minutes having a tantrum.She eventually gave up and went back home.

'Ugh today was too stressful.'I sighed.Well who cares,I'm tired.I ended up face planting into the couch,and had the most wonderful dreams of a certain boy.

*Might not be the best chapter and I apologize profusely!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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