Chapter 2~Thoughts

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Lance's P.O.V

   I huffed in annoyance at all the unneat stack of shoes scattered at the door.Man I swear I wish that these niños y niñas would get in the habit of cleaning up after themselves.I made it just in time from the store to home so that mama would be able to finish dinner in time for everyone.It's currently 6;00 so she should be done by 7;00 so that way we have time to eat,clean,and get prepared for bed.

 "HOLA MAMÍ!Estoy en casa!"I yelled,I still happened to be kicking my shoes off just as I heard a reply.


Ah my mamá. I walked towards the kitchen and see her setting plates down.When she looks up after placing the last plate she gives me a small sweet smile.I love that smile dearly.

"You're late Lance"She barked.I swear If I didn't know any better I'd say she was glaring daggers at me.However I do know better,so I know she's joking around,and besides I'm only late by a few minutes!

"Eh heh lo siento mamá."I giggle.I can tell that shes only halfheartedly upset.Mama can never maintain anger for long,after all a mother always loves her kids.And no one loves me and my family more than mama.

  "Oh mijito how am I supposed to stay upset at that face of yours?"She cooed.Mama always liked to tease me since I had such a baby face,and it gets to me every time

"Mamá stop it!I'm a grown hombre!"I whine.Why must mothers always embarrass their children?

   Well,after the  playful banter with my mother,she told me to set the table with Veronica my sister.My sister and I always had the best of times setting the table,because OH boy!We crank up that radio and dance around together,and miraculously enough we get work done!I guess we were just born as the perfect dance team.For tonight's dinner I am so excited!Tonight was a sweet casserole filled with hot sauce and little beans on the outside!As everyone gathered around the table and started engulfing the food I just kinda drifted off into space..Now what on earth was I thinking of?I myself am not even sure.I do think it has to do with a certain hot-headed short boy...Heh short.The more I drift into my thoughts the more I think back to every detail of that boy.

  His fluffy mullet,his pink vibrant lips.That short figure of his. Heh...I don't mean to,but I crack a smile just thinking about that boy...The boy named Keith~ wore black pants with holes on his jeans exposing his knees,black classic converse,black leather jacket and an MCR shirt.I swear if he wasn't hot I'd mistake him as an emo.To be honest Keith just seemed like every other natural disaster walking around this part of town.Except...I just can't place my finger on it.Keith seemed so much more different than the  others in that area,but what?I sat and pondered about everything about him.

  'Could it have been because hes new?Or that since I've never seen him around before I found a new play thing?Or maybe that he seemed innocent enough from the other putas,and putos who try and grind up on each other?No...that's not it either...?But what..?

  Then it hit me!his eyes.Oh my god those enchanting eyes.The thing is Keith's eyes were like a...Well uhm...I don't know.His eyes were so dark and mysterious,it kinda drags me in...Keith's eyes were almost like a purple...No they were purple,Violet!The boys eyes were so gorgeous and dark.Almost as if there was a never ending storm inside them.They held such mystery and chaos,but a gentle side could be shown..I just wanna stare at him for hours..When me and Keith laid eyes with each other it was like the whole world stopped,just us two in that moment.I hope to meet him again tomorrow,I would kill to get one more look at that walking beauty.Of course in that moment though my sister Veronica had to call me out,and ruin my fantasies of Keith!Well I mean...not those type of fantasies..

 "Sooo ...Lance YOU'VE been awfully quiet tonight.What's on your mind Hermano?"She questioned.Everyone stops all conversation and look me dead in the eyes.Veronica has a smug look on her face while she rests her chin on her palm.

Oh my god I hadn't even noticed but I've been smiling this whole time.I quickly turn into a blushing stuttering mess to try and come up for an excuse.

"OH!well just uhm ya know thinking about things..."I trailed off.

"Hmm.Well How was the walk to the grocery store?"She asked,taking one more bite of mamí's cooking.

"Oh it was great."I replied honestly.This time I couldn't help but crack a smile thinking back to the bus stop.

  Uh oh,this caught everyone's attention.All of them quickly exchanged glances with each other and now panicked,and was fumbling with my hands underneath the table.Oh dear mother of Santa Maria help me.

"Was it now?Any Particular reason Lance."Veronica  poked.I swear out the corner of my eye I saw her wiggling her eyebrows like a lunatic.

"NONE WHATSOEVER GOODNIGHT!"I barked quickly fumbling out of my chair.I heard them try and call my name to come back down cause I dropped the chair while fumbling out of it.I ran so quickly up the stairs.

I'm so embarrassed oh my god!I face plant into my pillow and groan into it.I continuously pout and kick my feet in the air only to have gravity bring it back down.I was tempted to walk back down cause I'm still hungry,and left mami's cooking there and deeply regret it...

I  decided this isn't good for me,being all mopey is only gonna ruin my beautiful skin and produce wrinkles.I scrunch my nose and cringe at the thought.Sighing I sit up and perch my legs dangling on the side and look around my room.The moonlight blooms through my window,making everything shine.I sighed contently,and walked my way over to my window sill and sat on it,opening the window during the process.Once the window was opened,I swung my legs around and felt the cool wind on my face.

'I just love the night time...there's always something there hiding but you never know the answer so it's a surprise!Plus it's so fascinating and beautiful,but can also be dangerous and scary..That's why I love the night time..'

  After awhile though it starts to get chilly so I climb down and close my window heading out of my room.Then...My jacket catches my eye but except somethings sticking out.

"What in the world...?"I questioned myself.

I peek my way over there and stick my hand inside grabbing what's in the pocket.When I pull it out I see it's!...Paper?Now I'm really confused.I unfold the paper and the minute I do,I turn into a crimson color,and look like a strawberry.

"OH MY GOD!"I squealed!I have never fangirled this hard before!I run out of the room and into the bathroom to make sure I don't get interrupted from my reading.

  'Hey lance.Im guessing that you're probably going to forget to come tomorrow so just in case...Here my number if ya ever feel like talking or something'

-Keith. xxx-xxx-xxx.

  I don't know how long I sat there just rereading everything.Studying every word so I know it by heart. I'm still stunned not believing that I practically scored a cute guys number!Wait this is probably some prank to make fun of me for flirting with the same sex gender...I sigh...

"Only one way to find out"I squeaked nervously.I quickly pick up my phone and dial the number...'Please be real...Please be real...Please!'I thought over and over again.Then everything stopped,and the rang gave I thought.

"Hello..?"A groggy voice spoke...

                      To be continued :)

Spanish Dictionary Hombre=Man



Estoy en casa=I'm home!


Lo siento=I'm sorry

Mijito=My Son 

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