Lea is back in the current time. She remembers Sophie commenting about a dormant spirit inside of her. She wonders if she can push the spirit out. She pushes the spirit forward as much as she can, but it's difficult. She continues swimming forward until she in front of the net. She sees the spirits stuck in its grasp and wonders how to get it free. She looks at the spirit inside of her and realizes it has a glow similar to the net. She harnesses that glow and sends it forward, blinding the whole lake with light. The net shatters from the light and the spirits are released, disappearing into wisps. The black room disappears and the actual lake turns into view. She realizes she has to hold her breath now and heads back to shore.

Sophie and Liz are waiting at the shore. It's night now and they claim she's been underwater for nearly four hours. They thought she was dead. Lea tells them she knows how to release spirits. She explains. Liz is confused, but Sophie understands. Liz says they did figure something out, Olivia might know where Ross has kidnapped Noah.

Eve: Chapter thirty-five

Eve and Sam head to Olivia's house six days after reviving Ross. She thinks about how they made Mr. La keep it a secret and didn't tell Marigold. They go through the front this time and explain to Olivia everything that happened. Olivia refuses to believe them, saying that it's impossible to revive spirits. Eve explains how Olivia is descended from a revived spirit.

Olivia thinks they're saying nonsense and asks them to leave. As they move to go, Eve reminds Olivia that all three of them have been abused by Ross in different ways. She says if Olivia helps Eve find Ross, they can stop him from abusing more people. Olivia doesn't reply and they leave. As they leave, Eve hears Olivia crying.

Sam and Eve discuss why Ross so badly wants her to be the spirit. They realize Ross was Olivia's lover and would find it sweet revenge if his granddaughter was the one who helped him take out the person who killed him. Marcus and Jackson combine with them, saying that Ross found them and told them he would use their spirits instead if Eve doesn't oblige.

Olivia: Chapter thirty-six

Ross visits Olivia and Marigold. He carries his gun around with him and acts very skittish around different noises and movements. Olivia fears for her child's safety and asks Ross to unload his gun and put the pieces away. When Ross refuses, Olivia sends him away. She then sits down in her chair and cries.

She hears a knock and watches April enter the house. April asks her what's wrong and Olivia explains how Ross has changed and refuses to put away his gun. April offers sympathy and empathy. She even offers to move back into the house and be the muscle between Ross and Marigold. Olivia declines, claiming she can handle it by herself. April then suggests banning Ross from the house and only seeing him in public places where it's illegal for him to have open carry. Olivia gets angry, feeling betrayed by her sister. She asks April to leave.

Later that night when Marigold has settled down for the night, Ross comes by to apologize about the way he acted. He comes with his firearm, but hidden. He lies to Olivia about not bringing it. Olivia, still upset about her meeting with April, tells Ross everything he knows about the notebooks. Ross is intrigued, but when Marigold suddenly starts crying, he whips out his gun from under his coat. Shocked, Olivia pushes Ross out of the house and goes to comfort her daughter.

Lea: Chapter thirty-seven

Lea and the others meet at the courtyard after homeroom. They sneak away from school to the bus stop and head to Barnstable where Olivia now lives. They get off at their stop. Compared to Buchtton, Barnstable is humongous. They feel a little worried and nervous as they head forward. A spirit of an old man stops in front of Sophie and Lea, claiming they look quite lovely. He reaches toward Sophie. Sophie is just batting the spirit away when April spots them and questions them on what they're doing. She combines with Lizzie who gets a taste of what Sophie and Lea see every day. Sophie explains that they're looking for Olivia's apartment. April agrees to give directions.

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