They sneak in through the back as R recommended and into the basement. They search around for any sign of a spirit. They find a letter there, hidden behind a wall. It's old and brittle and Eve has to be careful when unfolding it. They use Sam's phone light to see. It's a letter from O to R. The date is 6/30/1972. O says they are glad R is gone and ashamed that they ever trusted him. They say they're leaving this letter here as a way to let go of the past and move on.

They hear a thumping noise and realize someone is coming downstairs. A man comes down and they stand still, hiding in the shadows, hoping the man doesn't turn. The man sighs and mumbles something about forgetting the cleaners. Eve realizes the cleaners are on the shelf above their head. She and Sam slowly move away, heading closer to the stairs. Sam accidentally steps on Eve's foot and she makes a yelp. The man turns and they run out the door and back into the city, gasping. Eve realizes she dropped the letter while they were running. Eve gets an angry phone call from her dad.

Eve: Chapter twenty-one

Eve hangs out at Sam's house, too ashamed to stay at her house. It's the day after their escape from Boston. Sam is saying that they blame it all on R. They can't believe they even listened to a person they barely knew and risked their lives for nothing. Eve says they should give R another chance. Sam is reluctant but allows Eve to pull out the notebook. R apologizes for what happened and is annoyed by the letter. He says he has one more thing to do, to spy on Olivia Lapel.

Weeks later, Sam comes over to Eve's house. They ask her if she is still considering actually listening to R. Eve says she is because she believes it will help them figure out the truth about R. Sam agrees to come, but only to make sure they learn something good. They meet up with Jackson and Marcus and head over to the Lapel house. They hide by the side of the house. They hear Olivia in the kitchen talking to someone, they recognize the voice as April. Eve says this out loud to Sam. They hear the sisters' voices get quiet. The next thing they know, April is standing in front of them.

She takes them in to see Olivia who is surprised. Olivia demands them to explain what they're doing. None of them admit the truth. April explains how they were asking questions about Lorelai last month. Olivia, seeing that they weren't going to tell the truth, lets them go. As they leave, they hear her say she's glad Eve is nothing like Ross. All four of them have heard the legend of Ross Vincent the murderer. Sam refuses to work for Ross any longer.

Olivia: Chapter twenty-two

Olivia and April head to New York again, a month after April got the letter saying she won. April gives a speech about what her artwork, "The Fat Woman" means to her. She talks about how women are often expected judged based on their looks. She talks about her life as the "fat girl" in school and the teasing she had to endure.

Virginia and Holly come too and the three go out to eat afterward. Virginia and Holly hope April's artwork inspires women of color to create similar-themed pieces. They apologize to Olivia, but Olivia doesn't mind. Through the window of the restaurant, Olivia sees Ross standing across the street.

Olivia excuses herself from the table and heads out to see Ross. Ross expresses how Carl's brother Mickey had mentioned April had won the contest. Olivia explains how the baby is due in two months' time. She can lie to April by saying she's going to the hospital for a check-up when in reality she's running away. Since April never has had a baby and doesn't know the process, she won't suspect anything. Ross agrees.

Eve: Chapter twenty-three

Eve looks for Katherine Lapel by herself. She doesn't want to give Ross back to the Lapels because he might hurt them. She realizes that's probably the reason Marigold had the notebook hidden in her office. She thinks if she appeases Ross, maybe he'll go away. She goes to the library and uses the computers to look up Katherine Lapel. She learns Katherine was a strong advocator of books. Jackson suddenly combines with her, complaining that Marcus is ignoring him. She tells him that she's figured out where Katherine may be.

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