Sing To Me The Song Of The Stars

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Jimin's breathing is shallower. Yoongi is reading him the 'Sheltering Sky', but pauses when he notices movement by the hospital doorway. He looks up and sees Inhye, Jimin's student, standing there. 

Jimin see's her too and smiles weakly. "Inhye?"

Inhye is very shy. "Hi." She comes in and Yoongi offers her the book. She takes it and continues reading from where Yoongi left off. Stumbling over the words, but reading.

Jimin grins. "Who's been working with you?"

Inhye looks shyly at Yoongi. Jimin shakes his head, amazed. Yoongi nods to Inhye and she begins reading again.

Later that night, Yoongi quietly opens the back door in his house walking into the kitchen, and there at the table, sits his mother and Dr. Min, his father.

"Sit with us a minute." Cho gestures to her son.

Yoongi steps further into the room, but doesn't sit. He looks at his father. "What are you doing here?"

"He wants to talk to you." Cho steps in.

Yoongi looks back at his mother. "Now it's okay?"

She sighs. "Yoongi. You have two parents. We're both here for you even -"

" - even if we're not here for each other anymore." Dr. Min finishes off. Yoongi is listening. "I want to do this. Please let me." He holds out a check, for a lot of money and Yoongi takes it. Grateful. 

Yoongi looks at both of his parents and quietly thanks them. "Thank you."

The next day a smaller Jimin lies in a hospital bed but inside his own bedroom, inside his own house. He's seemingly asleep, hooked up to and IV. There are bottles of pills on the cabinet beside him, and Yoongi dozes in a comfortable chair nearby. A nurse sits in a corner, reading. 

Hoseok and Jungkook stand in the doorway, not sure what to do.

Jimin opens his eyes and smiles. "Don't wake Yoongi."

They tiptoe in and stand on either side of the bed. 

"Do I look scary?" Jimin asks.

"Not too bad." Hoseok replies.

"You all right?" Jungkook asks, awkwardly. 

It's a dumb question but Jimin handles it well, smiling. "Things could be better."

There's an awkward pause before Jungkook speaks again. "We thought you'd be asleep -"

Jimin tries to help. "I don't know what to say either."

Jungkook then hands Jimin an envelope.

"What is it?" Jimin opens it up and pulls out a stack of worn bills.

"For the book drive. Yoongi told us about it -" Jungkook starts to explain.

Hoseok cuts him off. "We told everyone at school."

Jimin takes their hands and hold them. Thanking them silently, his eyes shining with tears.

Late that night Yoongi sits at his desk inside his own bedroom, sketching the larger telescope and making a few computations. 

A library book on Haley's Comet is open, and there's also a stack of similar books by his elbow.

Cho enters, wearing her waitressing outfit. "What can I do?"

Yoongi shrugs, and tears begin to fill his eyes. "Everything's being done but it's not enough. I have to find something - more."

His mum's tone is gentle when she speaks. "Yoongi, honey. There's nothing more."

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