CHP 3 the first step

Start from the beginning

Little time skip

All of them were on platform and the guy who brought ruby cookies was there and his name is ozpin and Glynda was there with him

Ozpin:for years you have trained to become warriors.and today, your abilities will be evaluated in the emerald forest.

Afton mind:similar with our forest but that forest is only you need to kill if you want to live....

Vic -telepathy-:yeah it's was scary

Glynda:now, I'm sure many of you have heard rumours about the assignment of teams.well, allow us to put an end to your confusion.

Glynda:each of you will be given


Afton:it's ok ruby,it's ok.....

Ozpin:these teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at it is in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well.

Ruby make a scared noise then Afton pet ruby head to try to calm her down

Ozpin:that being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing with will be your partner for the next 4 years.

Ruby then make a shock face


Nora:I told you

Ozpin: after you've partnered up, Make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will make a opposition along the do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path, or you will die.

Ozpin: you will be monitored an grade for the duration of the orientation. But our instructor will not intervene.

While ozpin talk Afton was looking at the mountain and he sees a red a thing and he sees a shiny thing come to their way

Afton: mr.ozpin....

Ozpin:yes Afton?

Afton point at the shiny thing then it hit the ground and make a small crater and everyone get back a little but not Afton

Afton then sees the shiny thing and his eyes widened,it's was doraxsu necklace

Afton then grab doraxsu necklace and ozpin look at Afton with a his original face

Ozpin:what is that Afton

Afton:a necklace.....but I feel like this necklace is different then any other necklace....

Ozpin:can I see it?

Afton nodded then he give ozpin the necklace but he forgot to tell that the necklace weight 200 pound

Ozpin fell and Afton grab the necklace

Afton:I forgot to tell you that this necklace if 200 pound....sorry...

Ozpin gets up

Ozpin:it's ok

Ozpin then continue talking and Afton look at the necklace and the mountain

Afton mind:what the hell is going on....

After ozpin finish talking

Ozpin:take your position

Everyone take there position and Afton take a deep breath then his left eye turn red signalling him that one of his phantom will look around will Afton is looking straight

Afton mind: ready phantom

Phantom -telepathy-:you bet l do!

Then one by one was catapult then Afton was catapult and he landed on the forest then he take out his sword and gun then he close his eyes as he senses some grimm around him

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2020 ⏰

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