Possibly, from afar, it would have seemed that Mal would win for sure. Her dragon form was much larger than Maddy's, and her limbs were muscled, while Maddy's were wire-like. And her body and a streamlined shape, whereas Maddy resembled a harmless dragon, with a not evenly spread center weight. 

And the last difference hardly did anything, but the two purple horns upon Mal's head were anything but comical, while Maddy's hair was completely the reverse. Of course, if you had to go for war, you'd bring on a mighty atora, and not a clown's wig.

With a screech, Mal descended first, her talons outstretched as she dove into the center of all the blowing winds, and the roof shook tremendously, heat waves spewing in all directions as Mal blew a never ending stream of blue-green flames on Maddy, who screeched and took to the air too.

Then there was a screech, and Harry saw what had happened. A second dragon 
 had appeared, shadowy and almost like an illusion, but it was Anthony's soul, re-emerging as another dragon. Now, Mal was outnumbered.

And where were the rest?! Harry was beginning to panic, when suddenly there was a turquoise flash in the sea, and the skies cracked with thunder as lightning began to crack from the skies, and Uma emerged from the water, her tentacles ready to curl around the shadow figure. "Go Mal!" The octopus-girl yelled, and the dragon screeched in reply, a loud echoing sound of jaws snapping on air as Mal flew down.

And of course, the fight did not go unnoticed. The villains on the Isle were all alerted at once, and though they were all watching the fight in their own ways. However, you did have the villains who were highly interested in joining, and Mal screeched as Madam Mim joined in, her plump dragon form spitting fireballs at Mal, who now dodged them at all costs, not to mention try to retaliate.

Then the skies darkened completely, darkness covering the world, and bright green flames exploded from the ground as Maleficent appeared. "It's you and me, Mim!" Maleficent cackled as her green flames surged higher into a pillar, piercing through the clouds above, and the familiar black and purple dragon gave a rumble, challenging the smaller Mim at once.

There was a crash soon, one that ensued the newcomers' fight, for Mal grabbed Maddy, and drove her straight down from the air, a tremor spreading as Mal slammed Maddy on the floor, having crashed all the way through from the ceiling. With a roar, Mal slashed her talon along Maddy's chest, and Maddy screeched, trying to flap out from Mal's grip.

"It's over, Maddy." Mal growled, her voice echoing in the remains of the room, and Maddy's form shrunk back to her normal size, her limbs badly burnt and half her hair charred and burning. Slowly, Mal shrank back to her normal self, and she offered a hand to Maddy. And her mistake was letting her guard down, for Maddy instantly procured a knife from nowhere, slicing a neat cut into Mal's left leg.

Hissing in pain, Mal saw the blood oozing out, and she quickly used one hand to press on the wound, healing up some of the tissues so that the bleeding would be lessened, and reaching out in front of her, Mal unsheathed a purple blade out from nowhere, and with a snarl, she began to attack, and the two started a sword fight duel.

It was ages before Mal finally lost her strength, and Maddy grinned manically, posed above Mal and ready to strike. But Mal suddenly flung her palm up, and Maddy was sent flying across the room, bound by ropes of blue and green flames. And of course, Maddy struggled, summoning wind to try and extinguish the flames that burned lines into her flesh. 

"Maddy! You can stop all this!" Mal shouted over the noise, and when the wind slightly faltered, Mal yelled, "You can stop it right now! Stop it, and you can be forgiven. You will be. Just stop it, and we can talk this out!" And the wind stopped howling as Maddy seemingly seemed to think about it.

But she took a look at Mal, and jealousy surged over her again. Never. She would never surrender. "NEVER!" Maddy shrieked, and she threw herself forwards, her body bursting into flames and disintegrating into ashes. And from it rose Anthony's soul, and he made no noise, but turned and charged in the other direction. And that was when Mall saw Harry, standing there, defenseless, and far too slow in comparison to the moving spirit.

And when Anthony struck, it wasn't Harry standing there. No, Harry stood across the room, confusion and worry all over his face. And the one that the spirit had just drove all its power into, the one that the spirit had impaled…...was Mal. Her eyes were widened with pain, and blood dripped from her gaping mouth. The blood droplets all over the wood and collapsed rubble were sprayed out the moment she was attacked, and suddenly, a circle of blue flames danced from there.

Hades rose mightily, grabbing Anthony's soul, and without a doubt vanishing him to the Underworld. And he must've kept Maddy's, too, Mal thought. If not why would he have been passive for so long, seemingly awaiting for a chance? Mal only knew that she was swaying from side to side, her vision blurring as she fell, and Hades caught her before she hit the floor.

"Mal!" Harry screamed, and she could only assume the footfalls were his, imagining him sprinting to her side. 

"Mal! Stay, please, I can heal you, just stay awake, my daughter!"

"Mal! You fools! Move aside if you can't do anything!"

"Mal you better get up, I don't like it when you keep faking your death! You're alright, aren't you?!"

"Mal!" All four voices yelled in unison, and Mal's eyes opened briefly again, despite all the pain and disorientation. "Mum...Dad...Harry...I love you guys…please take care of Madora for me…" Mal mumbled, her lips feeling numb and heavy as they smacked together clumsily to form merely audible words.

"Uma...thank you for coming to my aid in the fight…" Mal coughed violently, her chest rising and falling even faster as she struggled for breath, but to no avail, and everyone screamed as her chest heaved for the last time, and went completely still. Her arm fell to her side limply, and her body went loose, her dangling over Hades's arm like a puppet whose string had snapped. 

Because that was what happened.

Mal was dead.


A/N I'm only going to say something, and it's real quick.


Okay, bye.

Z, out.

Mal and Harry: Together, we can do this.Where stories live. Discover now