To be Continued

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Thank you, my dear fellas that had joined and enjoy the writings, and I've been surprised by the enthusiasts as well for me, as a new guy here. Therefore, I would like to continue this part in another time, and I would like to invite you guys as well to keep up with my next writings. And it has been a great pleasure as well to share with you guys, this knowledge and the resource that I used to build this story also. Once again, thank you for you guys and I really mean it.

It has been a great pleasure of mine to write and to share about my knowledge of the bible that really amusing, appealing, and touching to my soul and my mind. It's kind of reminds me that no matter how bad your life goes; God will always be there for you. Well, although people seemed to be oversimplifying old testament that God was so cruel and mean in the writings. And I'm here to help for a better understanding about God's love, in the bible, about how He created Adam & Eve but they betrayed the covenant and God still loved them, about how He helped Cain, even when he killed his brother.

Even though God had created great disasters such as the flood in Noah story, or a great-language-confusion phenomenon, and also the great destruction at Sodom & Gomorrah, he also gave mercy to Noah himself, for being a great guy, giving a second chance to Lot and flee from the wretched city, He even treated Hagar, with gentile and compassion that she was also given a chance to feel and taste the sweetness of God's blessings. He's a great dad and a comforting mom. Although He's mighty & powerful that can wipe out the entire humanity, He's also humble & friendly to humans, just like when He met Abraham in person.

The next edition that I would like to share with you, also about the Genesis story that I learnt a lot through some study groups in my community, a few lectures from Professor Jordan Peterson, and also commentaries that I've read myself personally, that needs to be shared to others so that, it will give us a new & fresh perspectives about reading a bible. Tim Mackie once said that to look at the bible, is like looking at a diamond; it's so precious and valuable, that we could see it in a whole new way every time we read it. The perspectives and point of view are varying, and they still are the same diamond.

So, in order to make things more interesting and yet enlightening, you guys could also contribute as well to help me what kind of stories that you would find it interesting or difficult to be understand, please don't hesitate to leave a comment or message me so that it would be a great study and exploration for both of us. Is it true that God created evil? How to deal with dinosaur timeline, to the God-creation day, or anything could be a great insight to be explore.

Sincerely Yours,

A Flawful Creature

Bible Story (Genesis Edition; Part I)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora