
Derek helped set the table and launched into a conversation with the Sheriff.

"So what are you doing nowadays, Derek?" The Sheriff asked while they were wrapping up on the meal.

"I-uh, I'm working on a master's in history."

Stiles choked on his spaghetti, "You went to college?"

Derek blushed and the Sheriff  elbows Stiles.

"A long time ago," Derek responds while Stiles rubs the sore spot on his ribs that his dad hit.

"I'm in first grade!" Katie announces, "I'm really smart too."

Derek's embarrassment dissipates and a grin forms, "First grade? You must be a genius!"

"Uh-Huh! I can count all the way to a hundred and Daddy has been teaching me Polish. None of the other kids at my school can do that."

"Really?" Derek asked, "That's very cool."

"Yeah, I'm gonna be a ballerina superhero when I grow up and I'm gonna put all the bad guys in jail."

Derek nodded seriously, "We do need that in the world. Can I be a superhero with you?"

Stiles's heart did a summersault at the thought of Derek spending more time with them and Derek locked eyes with him after hearing the change in his heartbeat. Years away from Beacon Hills had made him forget that werewolves could hear heartbeats.

As Katie opened her mouth to respond, she let out a big yawn, giving Stiles the change to break away from Derek's gaze.

"Looks like you're tired, Kat. Let's put you in some PJs."

Katie started to protest, but let out another yawn.

Stiles stood up and walked around the other side of the table and grabbed Katie's hand.

"Let's go kiddo. Up the stairs."

Stiles was halfway up the stairs when Katie called, "Mr. Derek has to come too!"

Derek stood up from his place at the table and looked to the Sheriff for guidance. The Sheriff shrugged and motioned for Derek to follow.

He walked up the stairs and to the guest room (now Katie's room) and watched as Katie dove into the bed, already in her pajamas.

"Can you read me a story, Mr. Derek?"

Derek looked to Stiles to make sure he had his approval before Katie selected a book and shoved it in Derek's face. Derek sat down on the edge of the bed and read the book in what Stiles could only describe as the most riveting reading of Little Red Riding Hood he's ever heard.

After turning the final page of the story, Katie gave a satisfied "hmph" and wriggled around under the covers until she found the optimal sleeping position. Derek slowly stood up and moved to join Stiles in the doorway. The picture of Derek sticking around as Katie's dad overwhelmed his senses.

"She's a good kid," Derek whispered as Stiles turned the lights off.

Stiles left the room and gestured for Derek to follow him. The two made their way to Stiles's room and Stiles collapsed on his bed, patting the space next to him.

"C'mon, big guy. You've done this before."

Slowly, Derek made his way over to the bed and laid down next to Stiles.

"I met Marissa when we were 19 at a party," Stiles whispered. He stared at the ceiling to avoid Derek's gaze. And while Derek had never heard the name before, it was easy to assume Stiles was referencing his ex-wife.

"Things happened and nine months later, Katie was born. For some reason, we thought it was best to elope and move to an apartment off-campus so that we could raise Katie on our own. It worked out for a few months, but then the fighting started. Marissa was having regrets about being a mom that young and being 'tied down,' so one day, she up and left. I never really got an explanation until a few years ago, but even then, it was nothing that Katie deserved."

Stiles's voice cracked and Derek rolled over on his side to face him.

"I moved to New York after college when I received a job offer. Katie was doing well. I was doing well. And, as stupid as it sounds, that kid is my best friend. And it's so HARD to look at her face and tell her that her Mommy isn't around anymore because she doesn't want to be. So when Marissa called me telling me she wanted to see Katie again- I just had to bring her here."

Derek reached over and wiped away a tear, just as Stiles had done for Katie hours earlier. Stiles was going to lose it.

"Well screw her because Katie is the best god-damn six-year-old I've ever met."

Stiles laughed and rubbed his eyes. He looked over at Derek and something just clicked in his brain.

He sat up, Derek following suit, and stared into Derek's eyes.

"Stiles?" Derek asked.

Stiles surged over and pulled Derek by the collar into a deep kiss. It was awkward and teeth were clashing, but Stiles kissed Derek with the same urgency he had wanted to in high school. Stiles's hand reached under Derek's shirt while Derek's hands rested on his hips. Stiles clung to Derek, desperate to find any sort of friction and feeling all kinds of ridiculous as a single dad who has been out of the game for a while. He felt 16 again.

When Stiles pulled back, his lips hurt and he felt hot all over. And Derek - Derek looked completely debauched.

"That was unexpected," Derek finally said after a moment of silence.

"Was it really?" Stiles whispered against Derek's cheek.

Derek snorted, "No."

As if on cue, Katie marched into the room and sat between Derek and Stiles. Stiles's heart fluttered knowing that Derek was going to look after Katie much better than Marissa ever had.

"The six-year-old comes with the territory," Stiles mumbled, "if you have any regrets-"

Derek presses another kiss against Stiles's cheek and threaded their fingers together, "None at all."

"Daddy, there's a monster in my closet," Katie whispered.

Derek took Katie's hand and picked her up off the bed and rested her on his hip.

"How about you show me where the monster is and I can scare him off."

Katie nodded and Stiles thought he just witnessed her brain exploding when Derek's eyes turned blue and his fangs elongated.

"Cool! You're a vampire!"

Stiles snorted at Derek's mildly offended look before standing up and following them down the hallway to Katie's room.

"Katie, no. Derek's a werewolf."

"You knew and you didn't tell me?!" Katie screeched.

Stiles Stilinski + Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now