Chapter 2

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Kaelynn Pov.
Maz and I were waiting for the train, as two girls walk passed awing and saying that me and maz are the cutest things ever..... I tried to hold in my laugh but it was way to hard not to laugh. Maz saw me and immediately started laughing, with him laughing and me trying not to I automatically burst out laughing. After a few minutes of pure laughter our train came and we got on. As we were on the train we got a few stares here and there but I didn't really care that much, maz tapped me on the shoulder and asked
"do u always get stares like that?!" With a confused and worried look in his eyes
"Yep, but you'll get used to it" I said with a smile to calm him down. He took a deep breath carried on listening to his music as so did I.

~At the meeting~

Maz and I took our seats and listened to the head of the PLP tour talk on and on about how the tour works and what cities we're going to appear in. A good hour and a half went by of questions and answers until it was time to go. We said our good byes and headed back to Maz's house. On the way to Mazz's house we got a few cute compliments like:
•"You guys are such a cute couple"
•"I want my relationship to be like you guys so badly"
And every time we got a compliments like that we had to explain that we're siblings and that we're not dating, which gave us the awkward tension for a little while until we'd laugh it off and carried on with whatever conversation we were having.

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