Juniors: The "Nice" Guy

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Takura's POV:

Why couldn't I have been born hot? 

One of the many questions I ask myself in the morning, I mean think about, everyone always talks about those people who peak in high school, yet here I am still in junior high and anxiously awaiting my stunning makeover...

But here I am still an acne covered weirdo who the girls are 85% sure is one of those creepy nerd/nice guy stereotypes. WHICH I AM NOT! Ok, I might not be a super nice person, or charming, or smart, or have any sort of skills that can impress people except cup stacking, but hey I am entitled to some respect from my peers ok?  I am a nice guy-

Oh god damn it that's why they think that.

I am not what you might call a protagonist, I am not even that great of a person, and unlike any young adult novel where the girl is like: oh I'm super ugly woe is me, I am not good looking.

I never should have tried that bowl cut.

My mom keeps making me get the bowl cut.


Do you know what sucks in life? Other than when your favorite anime of the season is left on a cliffhanger, and then you figure out the next season is in a few years, that kind of suck.

When your friends are older than you! And I don't mean older by like a year but you're still in the same grade so you can still see them every day! I mean when they're in whole other grades than you!

That's me right now, well I guess I got Mirai but...she scares me. A lot.

My friends and I all grew up in the same neighborhood area, just a few minutes of walking distance and some of our moms were even friends so we all became friends when we were three years old! And thought that Dragon Ball Z had a complex and intricate story!

Or...I did....until they kind of laughed at me...and then realized I was being serious....that was a fun day. BUT YEAH! I'm one of the youngest in the group, I think Mirai is younger I HOPE she is, so this year everyone else in DICE went off to Hope's Peak Academy while we're still stuck in middle school.

Have mercy on our souls.

It's kind of lonely, I mean it was lonely when Eiji, Nao, Taka, and Tsuki left elementary school and went off to middle school, then finally moving to go off to high school. That was sad, but Mirai and I are kind of used to it by now not seeing them at school but home.


They moved off to big bad Tokyo! 

So now I don't even get to see them when we're all home from school! No one is here to force me to do my homework anymore! Or annoy me by calling me kiddo! EVEN THOUGH I AM TALLER THAN FRICKING KOKICHI AND CHIASA! Who may be older than me but they don't look like they are! Why aren't they called the kids?!

So now I am here, slaving away in school, wondering if I have an ultimate talent and will go to Hope's Peak next year...oh please say I will...I'm so bored! 

And so I'm going to school again, and I know I will be bored out of my mind. 

Or maybe I'll get beaten up by my best friend because Mirai has no self-restraint, maybe this is the good time in my life to stitch my mouth closed so maybe I'll live to see my next birthday.

So send prayers I accept donations to my patreon page, BYE!

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