Not Part of The Team (Flash/Reader) Pt.4

Start from the beginning

Parking lot.

I can hear the walking of shoes on the glossy cement flooring of the large building. They squeak to a halt as I close the door of my new car and begin walking into the large cement building.
Star Labs has been a haven for me, especially after meeting the people who work there. And I am not just talking about the green-eyed man that gives my heart warmth.

Such a sap.

I turn and hear the sound of two voices in an argument.

Oh, I have new earbuds!

I turn one last corner.

"R/N is not a part of the team." The green-eyed Barry Allen states and I feel my heart drop.

"Who said?" Cisco scoffs. "Captain Barry?"

I don't know what 'team' means but I do know that I would like to put my gift to good use. It just sounds like Barry Allen doesn't think so. And that really hurts.

"So, there is no point in me coming here." You say as green eyes hold yours.

No point. Why even try?

You can feel the tears welling in your eyes. Your vision becomes blurry and suddenly the world doesn't look so bad if you can't see it's reality with clarity.

"R/N!" It's his voice.

Each syllable sends a shard of glass through your chest.

Steps follow you but you don't turn and keep walking and run straight into a wall.

"Fuck!" You wipe at your eyes as long hands grab your arms and you begin to pull away, not looking up.

"R/N, I-" You can't hear him anymore.

The screams begin, your heart is pounding with pain. The image of an old woman on her knees clutching her chest on the sidewalk of a dark street. Alone.

You feel her angst and all at once your body freezes and your heart stops.

In one second, your eyes open to see scared green eyes but you no longer feel anything and gentle calm takes over you. Finally at peace. Finally done.


"Barry?" The voice echos around me and my heart sinks lower. "Barry, you have to eat something."

Why didn't I stop her sooner? I could've saved her! I am the Flash and I didn't react fast enough! This is all my fault. How could it not be?

"I'll come back." The voice echoes.

If I didn't try to make this choice for her she would still be well and in my arms. But no, I had to open my stupid mouth and ruin everything.

The smell of onions and meat...

She has been asleep for days now and if she doesn't survive this, it will be all my fault.

"Hey Bare!" The sound of of another voice echos. "I came to keep you company." The voice echoed. "Damn, man!" The voice makes a digusted snort. "You smell ripe!"

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