Not Part of The Team (Flash/Reader) Pt.4

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This is the best thing to do for her. She has to be safe and this job will only hurt her. I can't risk it. I just can't.

"It's not your choice."

Of course it isn't.

"Hey!" Cisco walks in with a slight skip in his step, a small smile that says he is going to tell me something I might not like to hear.

"What's up?" I ask and his smile turns into a grin.

"I have..." He begins pulling out a small silver box and presents it to me. "A brand new pair of earpieces for our new friend!" He grins like he is seeing beauty for the first time. "I have never used nano tech like this before and I am so proud of it!" He beams and I take the small silver box.

"These little guys are supposed to help R/N?" I raise an eyebrow as I look at the tiniest earbuds I have ever seen.

Just shy of the size of a pea.

"These little guys are so powerful that R/N won't ever experience the pain in her head when the screaming starts." Cisco is always so excited when he creates new tech that it makes me feel guilty of my next words.

"R/N is not a part of the team." I say slowly and his bright smile drops and a scowl takes over.

"Who said?" Cisco raises and eyebrow as he takes the small silver box from my hands. "Captain Barry?" He sneers.

"So, there's no point in me coming here." We both turn to see R/N turn on her high-heeled feet and walk out with her white coat trailing behind her.

"Go fix it." Cisco demands pointing at the door. "You can't choose for her, Barry." Cisco shakes his head in disappointment and suddenly the thought of having him mad at me and the thought of an angry R/N has me speeding to catch up with her.

"R/N!" I cry out and the fiery eyes turn to me with nothing but anger and revulsion.

How much did she hear?


My hearing has been pretty amazing since these meta human powers have taken over. I can hear from miles away and it compels me to listen but I also feel their pain. Cisco told to me come in to get my new earpieces in and to try them out. That guy is so excited, I thought he would pass out as he was explaining the tech to me. Two minutes later, I am in my car and driving to STAR Labs. How can I say no to such a cute man with so much hope of making my life more comfortable?

And who knows, maybe Barry will be there.

I do like the way the man looks and not to mention the brightness that surrounds him like a shimmer. The warmth, the complete disarray of my person with a simple look from that man!

Okay, I have got to calm down before I head down there and ruin everything. Gosh I can be such a klutz sometimes!

The trial and error of everything I have ever done has shown me that if you don't try, you will never succeed. And that if you don't think about actually trying, you will never get up. My sister is always telling me to try... I'll try.

With Barry.

As I get closer to Star Labs, I feel my heart rate go faster.

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