Rebekah's Entry|Challenge 1-Ship

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Just a reminder, Rebekah did

Carmen x Gray

Carmen PoV

I watched Gray sadly from across the street, Player's words bouncing around in my head, Gray had tried to kill me, true. Could my being in his presence jeopardize his safety? Yes. Did he remember me? No.

But did it still hurt? Forever.

Sighing, I fidgeted with my fingers in the pocket of my red hoodie. I desperately wanted to walk across the street and sit down with him, but my friend was being insistent.

"What happens if VILE sees you with him?"

I turned Player out, my mood darkening. I knew what would happen if they saw me with hi . Player kept saying how I would be put in danger, but he apparently had yet to realize that I didn't care. It was Gray's life that I was afraid to put on the line. The life and future that he had just gained back, though I didn't know why.

"Carmen? Red, are you listening to me?"

I snapped back to reality, then scowled. "Yes, Player. I get what your saying, okay? Just- just drop it already. I'll chose what I chose, got it? If I get attacked, that's my fault alone."

The surprise was evident in his voice. "I- okay, then."

A small pang of guilt hot me that I had barked at him, but I shook it away. No time for that.

"Just be careful, okay?"

I rolled my eyes. "Of course, Player."

There was a pause. "Carmen, please rethink this. I know he was your friend, but there's still a chance of him being-"

I quickly tapped my earring to silence him, then sucked in a small breath. I had already made up my mind, and I was willing to risk it. If worst came to worst, I could just bring Gray with me, clue him into the memories he had lost. Maybe even give him to the police, if I really had to. At least he would have a chance of being protected.

I screwed my eyes shut, then shook out my shoulders to the the position I was standing in a nonchalant feeling . Gray hadn't seen me yet,and the light had just turned red, so I was prepared to wait patiently. He glanced down at his watch, muttering something under his breath. Then, his face light up as his eyes landed on me.

He stood, relief tinting his charming smile. I smiled back, my emotions warring in my chest. A bus was a few seconds from passing me, and it was my last chance to change my mind.

It passed, and even I was holding my breath to see what would happen. Would I grab it on by instinct?

No. It drove by, and I was relieved to find myself still standing on the sidewalk. The light turned green, and I took in another deep breath before crossing the street towards him. The cafe was small and twinkled with fairy lights, giving it a cozy, joyful aura.

"Carmen, nice to see you." Gray said, dipping his head in a tiny bow.

"You're relieved I showed up, aren't you?"

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