22 The Aftermath*

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Lilly's POV

Aaron never came to watch the movie. I sat with Brayden and pretended to pay attention. After the movie I showed Brayden to a guest room and went to bed.

"Morning Father." I say as I enter his office the next morning.

"Morning Lilly... how are you?" He asks.

"Fine." I say and sit at my desk in the corner. "Soooo... what happened to your office?"

"Carson and Aaron had a disagreement." He says.

What?! Well I guess that's why he never came for the movie... wait he could have come after... oh no! What happened?!

"Are they okay?" I ask.

"Aaron is fine." He says.

That's a relief. At least he is okay. Wait, he didn't mention Carson.

"What about Carson?" I ask.

"He is in the infirmary." He answers.

"What?! Why would Aaron do that?" I jump up and head toward the open doorway. "I'm gonna kill him!"

"Lilly, sit down." Father says and I turn to look at him.

"I need to..." I start.

"It is between them. It has nothing to do with you so SIT DOWN!" Father commands.

I sit back in my seat and stare at father. "Can I at least check on Carson?" I ask.

"He is unconscious in the infirmary. He is in stable condition. You can't do anything there but you can here." He says as he hands me a stack of papers.

I take them and turn back to my desk.


It was well after lunch by the time I'd finished.

"Any thing else father?" I ask as I finish with the last paper.

"No... go ahead." He answers. "Carson doesn't look good... but don't be too hard on Aaron... he feels bad enough."

"Yes Father." I say and run out of the room.

I stop doc as I enter the infirmary.

"How is he?" I ask.

"Carson is strong... it will take a week or so before he can leave another week before he is back to normal...but he will make it." Doc answers

"So what happened?" I ask.

"Ask him." He says gesturing to the bed. I see Aaron sitting next to Carson. "I sent him out last night and he was back before sunrise."

"Thanks Doc." I say and walk over to the bed.

"Aaron." I greet him as I sit in a chair on the opposite side of the bed. He glances up at me then lowers his head. "You want to tell me what happened?" I ask I'm trying not to yell but seriously? He could have killed Carson and now he is mute. "Any time now." I say after a few moments pass.

"It was an accident... I... I didn't mean to..." he finally says.

"Some accident...let's see..." I grab the chart. "Broken ribs, broken jaw, orbital fractures, broken nose, broken collarbone..." I begin to read off the injuries.

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