Chapter 6: Truth Of The Original Witch's Death

Start from the beginning

"Elena-"Emily started to say. 

However, Elena flicked her wrist and Damon's neck was snapped causing Emily to gasp as she looked at Damon then looked back at Elena. 

But before Emily could do anything, Elena raised her palm up in front of Emily and Alaric, curling said palm into a first and watched as Alaric's and Emily's eyes rolled into the back of their heads before they fell to the ground, unconscious. 

Turning back to the drawings on the wall, Elena pulled out her phone and started snapping some pictures of everything before she left.


"Pick up."Elena muttered as she entered the house and slammed the door shut."Pick up, Liah."Elena gritted out.

"Is everything all right?"Elena let out a small scream and turned to see Liah standing in the doorway that led to the kitchen and had a blood bag in her hand.

"No, everything is not all right."Elena said, ending the call on her phone."We've got a problem. A big problem. They know about Mikael and that he has a weapon that can kill you and your Siblings."

"What?"Liah gritted out, eyes darkening in rage as Rebekah appeared out of nowhere, looking terrified.

"What do you mean they know about Mikael!?!"Rebekah exclaimed.

"We went into some tunnels that have drawings of story, a story of you and your Family."Elena explained."And Damon and Katherine went looking for Mikael with Jeremy's help."Liah's and Rebekah's features darkened."I'll deal with Katherine." Elena added before two Originals said anything while inwardly cursing Katherine for helping Damon.

"Where are these drawings?"Liah asked but Elena shook her head.

"It wouldn't matter where the tunnel is because it has a Barrier Spell on it. But I got pictures."Elena stated and watched as Rebekah and Liah shared a knowing look."You've been in those caves."Elena stated."I mean, of course you have. One of you wrote your names on the wall. The question is, why?"

"Those caves were there to protect us on the Full Moon, from Werewolves. The Witches of the Village we lived in made it only so Humans and Witches could enter."Liah explained.

"But I'm a Werewolf."Elena stated."I shouldn't have been able to get in then, right?"

"Yes, but what I meant was that Werewolves couldn't cross the Barrier Spell on a Full Moon, only when they're Human, they can cross over."Liah explained and Elena nodded in understanding.

"What do we do?"Rebekah suddenly asked.

"We plan."Elena said as if it was simple."I get the feeling that Emily will be looking for answers and what better way to get those answers but from one of the sources itself."Elena said when the two Originals looked at her questionably."She really only knows you, Rebekah. We can only guess that she knows about Liah through Caroline and Bonnie. So she'll most likely go for Original who she knows and believes is less of a threat because she's not a Hybrid."Elena explained and Liah and Rebekah looked at each other in agreement."Go along with whatever she wants, but make sure you make it clear that you want her to learn only what you allow her to learn."Rebekah nodded, starting to form a plan on how to make that happen."So, if you ask me, you should threaten Emily, directly or indirectly."

"I was already planning on it."Rebekah said, smirking."I think you'll fit right in with our Family, Elena."The Werewitch beamed at the Blonde Original.

"Well, just so you know, I would choose you and Liah as Sisters over Emily any day."Liah and Rebekah smiled back at her.

"Thank you and it'll be nice to have another girl around."Rebekah chirped."Now, I'm off to School."

"Bye, Bekah."Liah said, giving her Little Sister a cheery wave.

"Have fun."Elena added with a pointed look.

"I'll try."Rebekah replied, smirking back at her Older Sister, and now her Younger Sister.


Hours had passed and school had long since got out. During that time, Elena had been uploading the imagines from her phone and onto her computer while Liah had taken actual time and effort into setting up her room all by herself.

"I'm surprised."Elena said when Liah came down stairs to get a blood bag."I thought you'd have those men do all the work for you." 

"I'm many things, Little Sister, but I am not spoilt like Nik and Rebekah."Liah retorted, smirking as she headed into the kitchen. Elena chuckled before she frowned when she went to the next picture and leaned back against the couch.

"Sun and Moon, plus fangs?"Elena said questionably."A Werewolf and Vampire. Hybrid?"Elena mumbled, looking at the symbols."A woman and a heart?"Liah walked back out with a cup filled with blood and looked at Elena curiously."Hey, do you get what these symbols mean."Elena gestured to her computer while looking at Liah."I figured out a few pieces and have been linking them to your story but this....?"She trailed off questionably as Liah walked over to the couch and leaned over the couch, looking over Elena's shoulder.

"We have to find Rebekah."Liah said urgently after a second of staring at the drawings with wide eyes."Now."Liah said, putting the cup down and grabbed Elena by the wrist, pulling her up and dragged her to the front door.

"Wait, why?"Elena asked, confused and worried.

"Because Mikael didn't kill our Mother."Elena's eyes widened."Nik did."Liah said in a soft voice.


"Rebekah!"Elena and Liah called out to the blonde as they stormed into the Salvatore Boarding House and paused when they found the youngest Original sitting on her knees, in front of the fireplace, crying.

"Bexs...."Rebekah looked up at them with tears in her broken eyes.

"He killed her, Liah. Nik killed Mother."Rebekah cried and Liah Vamp-Sped over to her, and pulled the blonde into her arms, rocking her back and forth.

Although it was clear to Elena that Liah didn't care much about her Mother's death, she knew that she cared very much about Rebekah and her emotional state, and seeing her Baby Sister look so broken must have broke Liah's own heart. Elena walked over to them and sat down in front of them, placing her hand on Rebekah's shoulder in what she hoped was comfort.

Looking up at Elena, Rebekah startled and surprised the brunette by grabbing the hand on her shoulder and pulled her into a hug, hiding her face under Elena's chin and breathed in the Werewitch's earthly scent, which was rather calming for her.

"C'mon, let's go back and forget about all of this for tonight."Liah mumbled and the two younger Immortals nodded in agreement.

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