Outside the door, Ethan skillfully avoids the Bobbies, while Tristan, thanks to his stature, has it a bit harder there. When they finally turn into a side alley Tristan is fed up and tries his luck again by grabbing Ethan's shoulders and pressing him against the wall.

"Where the hell have you been?" he whispers into the dark of the night. The sky is cloudy and the new moon, coupled with the high brick walls of the buildings, let the shadows look long and pitch black. Ethan doesn't fight back this time but doesn't react immediately either. It's hard for Tristan, but he loosens his grip before he bends down to check if Ethan allows him to kiss him.

"I was at war," Ethan finally replies and blocks Tristan with a hand on his chest.

"At war?" Tristan pulls his eyebrows together irritated.


"What kind of war?"

Ethan sighs. "Against myself? Against the world? It doesn't matter. We have more important things to do now, Tristan. Ned and Charlotte are back and they still want to see all of England burn. I need your help," Ethan comes straight to the point. "Now let's get the hell out of here. The roads are dangerous."

"So you forgive me?" Tristan accepts and Ethan's features turn to stone again.

"I didn't say that," he replies, only to light a cigarette immediately afterward and continue scurrying through the alleys. The betrayal gnaws at both men equally and that it culminated in the death of Tobias, Ethan's only son proves the gravity of the guilt that now lies on Tristan.

Their path leads them away from the city center towards Whitechapel. Where the district finally meets the Commercial Road, they turn a few more times before descending Henry Street into the sewers.

"Where are you taking me? It smells horrible in here," Tristan tries to find out their destination again. But Ethan remains silent until they finally stand in front of a door behind a pile of junk.

Ethan knocks first, pause, four times, pause, two times and after a last pause once more. A small slit opens and the voice of a guy behind the door can be heard, asking for a password. Tristan recognizes the style of the security measures and slowly it begins to dawn what might be going on. He fervently hopes that he is wrong.

"May the moon be my companion; the sun my weapon and the shadows my shield," Ethan replies silently towards the opening. Tristan cannot suppress a small smile. That's almost poetic.

"Welcome back, Butch! Did the mission go well?" asks the boy who opened the door with a broad grin. As he passes by, Ethan fluffs his dirty hair and nods. "Any incidents?", he asks after the door behind them has been closed properly again.

"Donald is still whining because he broke his wooden sword. The others are quite annoyed. Can I finally beat him up? Then he'd finally learn," the boy says while catching a glimpse of the giant Ethan has brought with him.

"No," is Ethan's short answer before he tells Tristan to move on. After a short, narrow corridor, the room divides into a kind of camp built with all kinds of materials from rubble and wood in the middle of a disused flood tunnel. The access to the sewers is secured. All other entrances were barricaded with pressboard and obviously collected grids. Candles and oil lamps hang on the walls and stand on boxes that have been converted into tables and chairs. Heavy fabric covers the walls to muffle the echo. Everywhere are children in different age groups up to young adults. It is noticeable that there seem to be mainly boys here.

"What... is this?", Tristan tries to ask another question to which he hopes to get an answer this time, but he hasn't noticed that Ethan doesn't pay any attention to him at all. He is just greeted by two boys who seem to be about six years old. One of them must be said Donald. The other one seems to be the older one. They take Ethan's hat and jacket off. He keeps the holster of his pistol with him.

"... and now stop whining. As soon as I get time, I'll carve you another one. You better start gathering a piece of wood." Tristan just hears the last part Ethan says before the two boys with still depressed faces disappear again. One has comfortingly put his arm around the shoulder of the other.

"I'm not used to being kept waiting," Tristan finally says determinedly and Ethan smiles mischievously. Tristan obviously does not feel comfortable in this completely new situation. Only now, with all the different smells, does he notice that he cannot smell Ethan. Maybe his cigarettes and a touch of whiskey; but not his very personal scent. On the other hand, he is sure that all the people around him are human. Tristan crosses his arms in front of his chest and Ethan's posture also stretches considerably. Something is not right here.

"Welcome to the children of the night," Ethan says louder than necessary and spreads his arms out. "This is my territory. These children and I own the underground of London. Let's get one thing straight right away." Ethan's chin moves forward.

"Which is?"

"You got a problem with that?" His tone is more rebellious than ever, but a lord does not let that upset him. Not even when it comes to Ethan.

"Your personal supply?", Tristan counters, and the provocation shows its effect. A wild growl comes from Ethan's torso and his eyes flash as brightly as his fangs.

"Nobody touches those kids," he snarls, showing his fangs. The children around them hurry to gain distance, but watch in fascination as Tristan returns the gesture.

"You must have forgotten who's ruling here! I am the law. If you don't like that, then I'll make sure you remember why," Tristan makes his point. He must not let his personal feelings for Ethan come between him and his reign again.

A few of the older boys gather behind Ethan, with fear in their eyes but determination in their hearts. Ethan relaxes again and grins as he lights a cigarette again. "You know, technically speaking, I'm still banned and an outlaw in London anyway. Though much has changed, nothing has changed in my place in society."

"They call you Butcher," Tristan finally says as he relaxes.


"So now you got a bunch of punks working for you and you think just because I missed you, I'm going to tolerate you abusing humans?" Tristan's majestic aura and his sense of justice shine through the room. Even the children seem to sense it.

"If you cause trouble, we'll kick you out," shouts one of the youngsters from the back rows.

"I wouldn't even consider that if I were you!", Tristan yells back and Ethan starts to laugh. All involved look at him.

"They mean me, Tristan; they want to kick me out. You misunderstand the situation." Ethan's laughter ebbs away. "I brought you here so you'd understand what this is all about. Look at them. They look out for each other." He takes a step towards Tristan and puts a hand on his shoulder. "I'll give you a chance if you give me one to fix Tobias' mistakes. From leader to leader."

Now it is Tristan who smiles before he bends down to look Ethan straight in the eyes. "Well, let's negotiate, Lord Blackwood."

Ethan's eyes light up in the most beautiful dark green Tristan can imagine. How he missed those eyes and that face. Embarrassed, Ethan turns away: "Shut up and come next door. We can talk there undisturbed."

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