Aizawa: 'I couldnt save them

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Aizawa: 'I couldnt save them.....
All of them.... Dead before my eyes..... I..'
Tamaki: Sensei!

Aizawa snapped out of it and turned to look at Tamaki.

Tamaki: Sensei... I know what may be going through your mind but....

 I know what may be going through your mind but

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Tamaki: 'Mirio' .... We need to stay here with the students!

Aizawa widened his eyes and then closed them. He opened them and then turned to look at the soldiers.

Aizawa: You are right... 'They wont take any more students from me.... Never again!'

Aizawa and Tamaki stood infront of the students.

Aizawa: Stay back kids... We will handle them!
Jitsuna: So they want to fight, how bothersome.... Listening old man lets make a deal shall we? You dont make our life difficult and we wont make your students' life short sounds good?
Aizawa: Like we would negotiate with you! We will defeat you and protect our students how about that?
Jitsuna: Then how about this, you dont defeat us and you dont protect your students, boys, you know what to do!

One of the soldiers took out two grenades and threw them at the heroes.

Tamaki: Bombs!
Aizawa: Disperse!

The students did as told and dispersed to avoid the explosion of the grenade.

Aizawa: Kids! Divide in groups! Hide around the museum! Tamaki and I will hold them back as much as possible!
Everyone: Hai!

The students divided themselves into groups of 4 and went to hide in the different sections of the museum.

Jistuna: Do they think they can escape? You 5 go amd take care of them.
The group: Yes sir!

When the 5 elites were about to leave a scarf grabbed King's metal hand and pulled him back while King tried to resist.

Aizawa: Just where do you think you are going?

Tamaki then appeared and he had transformed his flesh hand into a blade of swordfish.

King: You will regret it old timer!

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