Chapter three-pain and killing

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Skull dragged me along to a room labelled 'Room 032' What first hit me was the pristine white walls spattered with dark red there were gristly tales within them I was sure. The only thing in the room was a chair and a few tables of utensils Bucky had spoken of it badly a woman in a doctors uniform entered she lovingly ran her index finder over each scalpel and blade and syringe "now let's make it easy for you" she seemed to be addressing me she whipped out a gun and held it to my head "I'll shoot" she warned and she began to unlock the cuffs around my ankles she again met my eyes hesitating to open my wrist cuffs "I'll shoot" she said again "You wont" I insisted back coldly " you need me if you didn't I wouldn't be here" then shooting pain echoed through my shoulder I ...I didn't know the scream I heard was me until I eyed up my left shoulder A red stain seemed to be forming around it I grit my teeth and bit my tongue desperately to hide any sound I would make which came out as a hiss to my relief this woman was glaring maniacally at me " you wanted to test me YOU wanted to test ME well you've tested me!! do anything and I'll shoot I MEANT IT disobey and i shoot I don't care about your pain WE DONT CARE!" she broke off into a fit of hysterical giggles which finally allowed Skull to intervene "That's enough Dr. Streisler I believe the Asset has learnt his lesson hmm Asset?" I stayed silent glaring at him the pain ever present Skull it seemed wanted an answer because he quickly jabbed his fingers hard onto my shoulder I breathed quicker and hissed louder I thought he'd let up but he persisted "ah" I shouted out finally it was quick and quiet but an audible announcement of pain nonetheless and that's what he truly wanted as his face flowed with a smile ....a sick smile the chains were unfastened from my wrists and I was forced into The chair to be met with more chained wrists more chained ankles but this time something was placed around my head

"Ready?" Skull enquired maliciously "for anything you can throw at me! I can do this all day" then I was plunged into a world of pain everything was fuzzy my only coherent thought was "this hurts this really f-Ing hurts oh my god it hurts this hurts like hell STOP" but I didn't dare say this out loud I vaguely heard some words being spoken I don't know who too or what they were I couldn't focus on that just the all consuming pain this went on for decades until finally it stopped I breathed out reloaded as the...thing around my head backed away I shakily stood up from the chair but I fell back into two hydra soldiers arms skull chuckled and dragged me along to 'Room 37'

"Welcome Captain Hydra to the training room! Where you will kill and you will like it!"
"Never" "it is too late Captain while you screamed in agony which was music to my ears" I growled back loudly at him he slapped me and didn't break a sweat continuing
"I forced a sleep code into your head you will kill!" "ACTIVATE" Skull yelled and ............ I woke up on the floor of the 'training room' funny I didn't know I was asleep I looked to my left and dead glassy eyes looked through me I jumped to my feet all around me dead bodies strewn the floor some in shield uniforms! Some in army gear! And others in norm...civilians "why the shock Captain? You did this!" Skull? "NO I DIDN'T!" He edges ever closer to my face too close now he was breathing down my neck "you did as I ordered" he chuckled "and you will continue to for Bucky..not that you have a choice but I suggest you loose the idea that you do or I will throw you back into that chair and make you kill him!"
There was silence between us and I broke the eye contact looking down ashamed of myself signalling skulls win I was lost for words
I was a monster

"Now go back to your cell!" "Yes sir" Steve said sadly too wrapped up in his own guilt to realise what he had said Skulls plan was working and he smirked as his Captain was lead away

-What actually happened-
"ACTIVATE" Steve fell to the floor sound asleep. Skull loomed over his sleeping form so precious so vulnerable what he could do... "BRING THEM IN!" His guards burst into the room carrying the snivelling little captives who shoved them into the floor "please no please I have a family I have a dog I haven't done my A-levels this is against captive rights skull smirked at them then to his gun holding guards "Kill" and his men slaughtered them then he moved Rogers around them and "Awaken" Steve woke up with a shot

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