Chapter one-without him

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I couldn't do this without him, I couldn't do this without him! I COULDNT DO THIS WITHOUT HIM! I had to save him so I dived after him it was stupid and reckless I know.. Bucky calls it 'dumbass disease' I smiled fondly... Bucky! I saw him just infront of me I swam through the air towards him wind whipping around me whistling past my ears "Bucky!" I called out to him "Steve? What are you doing? Punk! No" finally I reached him I screamed to him as I saw the ground getting scarily close "jerk! I'm not leaving you, buck I ain't letting you fall alone! it is not the end of the line yet" I swiftly wrapped my arms around him spinning ourselves in midair so I would land on the ground first I would take it all for him. My eyes closed as I braced for impact it came..HARD we skidded on a snow covered field trees all around us bare I lay on my back cautiously I opened my eyes I looked down to myself moving each finger and toe separately nothing hurt
I was fine. Was Bucky?
Bucky! I craned my necksearching frantically with my eyes for him. THERE in all The commotion he had fallen a few feet from me phew I laid my head back into the snow, let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding it was getting dark maybe I could just lay here and sleep wait dark? it was barely the afternoon oh no it wasn't my surroundings darkening  my eyes were closing. I take back my previous statement I was not fine! I heard faint groaning to my left and
Then in my ever darkening vision I saw someone tower over me he bent closer and started to stroke my hair it felt kind of nice comforting even but it took my sleep deprived brain a while to register who it was "Red skull"  I gasped trying to get his hand off me but I was too groggy I just groaned laying there he smirked "hush now captain" "Bucky.." I whispered
"you and  'bucky' are safe" he assured but It was far from assuring "n..o"
Red Skull smiled faintly"Goodnight Captain" I wasn't tired? Then he held up an empty syringe NOW I was ! "S.teve" a faint whisper Bucky! "B.ucky" I muttered as I fell into the land of sleep "Hail hydra" were the last words I heard.

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