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Not to long ago on my journey I found out a dear friend has pancreatic cancer. When you hear that a person has to fight the fight of their lives, it minimizes the outside world.
Imagine with that fight you were told you have only two to three months left to live ?? What would you do differently? Every spiritual journey has twist's and turns. Our own mindset can change a simple belief and we can make a turn around.
As I go through this part of my journey I'm feeling shock, helpless, and yet I want to find the cure. Plus, my spirit is ok this is her journey. I have to respect the process. Yes I believe in miracles. How about Santa Claus also. Hope is important to surround anyone you care for,
with positive thoughts no matter what illness they have.
Give them yellow flowers which give them a sense of warmth. Make them laugh and surround them with their favorite things.
I've cried a lot these past few days and I'm not afraid to admit it. Now I have a cold and this is how I am dealing with everything. Nonetheless, I will Smile, Smile, all the way through.
Merry Christmas !
Till we meet again.

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