Parts Unknown

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I was Unknown to myself. Searching to find a answer. Questioning the traditional and the establishment. Even as young as five I can remember seeing the world through a different lenses.

When your spirt pokes at you at that age you believe the whole world is like you. Being honest with a account such as this takes courage. We are taught that the world is made of fantasy and reality. Truly do we really understand the concept?

The world as the tides of the Ocean are always changing. A person who is gifted with spiritual abilities today is becoming more mainstream. Yet many wonder how can that be. The answer is making the unseen tangible. How can I make it relevant for you the reader.

A open mind is always best. My job is to explain to you to my best ability my experience.

The UnknowenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin