The message

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That night was the beginning of the end.
That night...for years I have thanked Nicolas for having met Charles, for having had the opportunity to know him when he was not yet "The predestined".
We were both 17 at that party, and we both wanted to look older to impress and intrigue each other. 
And honestly I feel indebted to him, thanks to Charles in fact I discovered and tried a lot of new things.

"Really? Do you like Formula 1?"
asked him with a twinkle in his eyes, the devil of a twinkle that always made me soft. He looked like a little boy who had recently discovered soap bubbles.

"Charles I'm Italian, it's a tradition to watch at Formula 1 for my family."

I was holding on to his reaction, as I clutched in his jacket given to me by him after he confessed to being cold, it smelled so good, just like Charles, and by now I was sure that every time I could smell that perfume he was around.

"I dream of getting there one day, you know?"

He said as he looked at the bright stars.

"I'm sure you'll get there, especially if you want it with all your heart."

It hurt a little my heart to say those words, with all my heart I dreamed of being able to practice artistic gymnastics, my career was over because of various things but my dream had always been to be able to win a gold medal at the Olympics.

Meanwhile the DJ had proposed a slow dance, I saw Lea hugging Bastien and Suzy with Maxime and smiling at seeing them happy, I hoped with all my heart that they were.

 "G-Giada want to dance?"

I didn't plan on this.
Charles asked me to dance and the pain in my feet because of the heels, the timidity towards him and the slight dizziness because of it prevented me.
But I could see that he was also shy and above all he had stretched out his arm towards me and just waited for me to reach out to him.

"I can't dance.".

I said while I had grabbed his hand that they pulled me to the dance floor, the dizziness even if light increased the moment Charles pulled me up and for a moment I thought to fall to the ground, but fortunately he was quite strong to support me.

"Neither do I." 

Before actually reaching the dance floor I left his jacket and heels where we were sitting just before and followed him barefoot, resulting a few inches shorter than him.
Lea winked at me, she was right next to me and Suzy, who was behind Charles, made me realize that I had hit the jackpot.
Of course, I blushed as I put my arms on the boy's shoulders but once I looked at him I was enchanted, the time seemed to pass so fast that I did not have time to enjoy that slow.
Neither of them wanted to talk, it almost looked like a romantic movie scene.

"Giada, your father is waiting for us, let's go!!"

I heard Lea screaming, but my eyes were still fixed on Charles.
I didn't want to leave, but Lea pulled me away from Charles and rushed to my heels and put them on, bringing Charles his jacket, I almost wanted to take me home, but it didn't feel right.

"Thanks for the nice evening and especially thanks for the jacket."

I said to him again with a smile on my face, taking him to one side, leaving him a chaste kiss on the cheek. 

"Keep it, so I have an excuse to see you again."

He said when he didn't know what to pose in, but he managed to take my hand before kissing my forehead.
Or at least that's what he tried to do, because Lea saw the curfew passed and took me by the wrist and took me away.

"Okay then, thanks Leclerc."

He was amazed, maybe even impressed.
How could he have stalked me on social media?
How could he see me again if he didn't know where I lived?

In the following days I obviously looked at all his photos and learned a little about his life as a young pilot, a life certainly special compared to my life as a simple student.

"I keep thinking you should leave him at least one like at one picture!"

"I agree with Lea, let's go at least  just one like!"

In those days Lea and Suzy used to put up with my anxieties about Charles and my feelings, it was the first time I was in love with someone and they decided to give me a precious hand.

"In two days, so he won't think he hit the jackpot." 

But a notification interrupted our speech. It was him.

charlesleclerc_17 sent you a message 

{charlesleclerc_17 was Charles' old  Instagram nickname}

"That's him, that's him."
I screamed throwing the phone on the bed while I was hiding behind the curtain, I didn't want to look at his message, maybe because it was written that he didn't care.
Suzy and Lea looked at the message and put both hands on their mouths with their eyes wide open.
Lea grabbed the phone and laughed as she read the message, put on Charles' jacket and in the most masculine tone she could tell me.

"Now that I have found you, miss Gianni, I will not let you go. Tomorrow you want to have lunch at the Brasserie?"

I laughed at that imitation and shook my head, she really knew she was stupid in those moments.

"No come on, you're serious. What did he write?"

 Lea showed me the message and actually wrote what Lea just said.
I had to wait until tomorrow to see him again and smile hugging the phone.

"But now it's your turn Lea, you with Bastien?"

But at that moment I decided to answer Charles.

D' Agreed leclerc, After checking the
planner I saw to have a small
free hole at yours disposal.
Shall I make an appointment
for you with Miss Gianni? 

{giadag01 was the old nickname you Jade on Instagram} 


Okay, I book for two, can you ask 
Miss Gianni if it's okay by 12?

Miss Gianni confirms that
she is free for that time.
She also told me to tell you
that she's looking forward
to lunch with you, Mr Leclerc.

I let a smile slip through that message exchange, which didn't go unnoticed to my two friends.

 " Giada, did you hear what a great story Lea and Bastien had?"

Suzy asked, noticing me from the phone.
I looked up from the phone with the smile of before and nodded.

"Yes. No, I mean.
Sorry, Lea, it's that I answered him and you know I still have my head on the Leclerc planet!"

Lea laughed shaking her head.
She knew the situation perfectly well, she had already had a serious relationship and I remember what it was like the first few days, so she could only understand me.
Lea laughed shaking her head.
She knew the situation perfectly well, she had already had a serious relationship and I remember what it was like the first few days, so she could only understand me.
I came back with the look on the phone, leaving him a little I like to one of the photos posted.


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 charlesleclerc_17 Let's go to nurburgring ! : ) ✈️ ✈️

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Hello everyone! I apologize if it is not perfect but this is the first time I try to translate something into English. Please inform me of any errors!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2020 ⏰

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You left a hole where my heart should be.  ENG version. | Charles & Giada |Where stories live. Discover now