Chapter One: Reopening

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It been five years since the Beacon melt down. Lucky Sebastian talk to the state and told them I was 'normal' but the deal was for me to live with him for five years and today was the last day.
"Are you going to miss me when I move out?"
"Your not moving out" he said as he put chin on my shoulder, "oh yeah? What make you think that?"
"I'll be moving with you so you can never move away" we both laugh, we pull together to search for his missing wife and my brother. I grew close to him, I will say his wife is lucky to have him.
I look down at the newspaper looking for a second job so I can pay off my school that Sebastian help me get into.
"Other news today, it been five years since the Beacon Mental Hospital and starting next week it going to be open once again by a new owner." I look at Sebastian who had turn on the TV on the right time.
"What? Are you still looking for proof about-"
"They cut us off, saying it useless because alot of files went missing and more but I didn't think it will sell that...wait is that?"
I look at the screens, "Mr. Chisenhall, after learning about what happen. Why still made you buy it, fix it up and open it back up?" The news woman asked, he look straight into the camera like he looking at me.
"Memories" was all he said, I look at Sebastian. He had one hand covering his ear. "Is it truth, that the youngest doctor in world is going to work with you?"
"Benjamin? Yes, he like a son to me. He happy that he coming back to this town"
"So you been here before"
"Yes. Me, Benjamin, Lisa and my body guard Jessica been everywhere. It time to come back home"
"Well thank you for sharing little info, I'm Rebecca James from Krimson City news" the TV turn off, I look at Sebastian. "Amantha, I need to talk to-"
"I understand"
"No you don't....even though you are not a rookie but if I can get away for you go under cover for us then we can finally get the answer" I look at the ground, "what if they notice me", "wear a wig, put color eye contacts in, change your name and-"
"Sebastian..... What if...what if I don't want to do it? I don't want to go back to that hell"
"I be watching you and one thing goes wrong, I jump in there and save you" he move closer to me, I smile. "I'll think about it" I said and he nod. He got up and left for work. I sit there looking at the clock. "Sorry Sebastian but I can't...." I said to myself, as I look at the newspaper again. The TV turn on by itself and a interview came on with Leslie and "Sam!" I jump up, "Benjamin, the youngest doctor here in Krimson city. How to feel to be back home?"
"Good, I hope I get to see someone I miss for a long time now"
"Aww, who that?" The woman asked but silents fill that room.
"So, Mr. Chisenhall.....I been told that Lisa is your cousin?"
"Yes, my only cousin" a young lady walk and sat next to Ruvik. She look like that four arm woman but just two arms and a beautiful crimson dress on. "Wow, Benjamin tell us how old was you to help give birth?"
"12 and 13 for brain surgery, I'm still in school for becoming a therapist"
"What school you went to?"
"Ru- I'm sorry I was think about my old friend. Mr. Chisenhall here home school me, I pick up from book about birth and more"
I grab the TV remote to turn it off but nothing I went behind the TV and unplug. I sit on the floor and closed my eyes then look at the kitchen table that have my laptop on it. I got up to turn it on and look at my book I finish awhile back. 'Into His mind', I wrote what happen but I change our names and look. I had red hair and blue eyes, Sam red hair and green eyes. I look at the book and finally send it to a person who can help me sell it.
I heard a growl behind me, I slowly turn my but nothing was there. I just shook my head, "Amantha get a hold on your self. Next year, I leave Krimson City for good" I said to myself, I turn on the radio and the song that start playing was Animals by Maroon 5.

It been hours and Sebastian walk through the door. "They wanted you to work late?" I said as I put a piece of pop corn in my mouth.
"No, just thinking away to tell you..."
"Tell me what?"
"They want to.... 'Research' the place because I look up their names and there was never a Levi, Benjamin and Lisa Chisenhall in Krimson, not even a visit"
"Sebastian, I thought about it and I don't want to"
"Please Amantha, we can take down Ruvik, get my wife and your brother" he said sitting down next to me and put a hand on my knee.
"Sebastian, I don't want to go back"
I stood up, "I SAID NO! SEBASTIAN!!!!" I walk out of the living room. I shut my bedroom door and lay on my bed. Tears roll down my face. I heard the door open, and I felt him crawl in bed with me, he wrap his arm around me. "I'm sorry, Amantha. Please forgive me."
"No, Sebastian...." He started to play with my hair. "Ok then" he kiss my cheek, I roll my eyes he knew I forgive him when he does that. "Fine I forgive you but still won't do that under cover thing" I roll on my side, he smiled at me. "Thank you for forgiving me" he kiss my forehead. In 5 years I grew a crush on him but I knew he was married, so I didn't say nothing to him but every time he kiss my cheek or forehead. I wish it was my lips instead. He got up and walk toward the door, "night, Amantha" he said and I smile. "Good night, Sebastian" he walk out and close the door.

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