SpongeB-NO! (Part 1)

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Knock knock

I headed towards the door to see who dared to interrupt my Ryan Reynolds, like c'mon, he looks so good even with that distorted face in deadpool.

I peeked through the peephole and holy mother of pickles and cheese, what on Jupiter is he doing here? And here I thought he would be on a booty call with a blonde that lacked said booty. I amuse myself.

I closed my eyes and thought about my options. One, I could either pretend I'm not here or two, I can open this door and tell him to back his sexy self the fuck away from me. Option one seemed to be sufficient enough so I slowly backed away from the door.

"Kara, I know you there"

Well damn him for having that husky voice which might have caused a very tiny tiny tiny droplet of moisture to leak onto my Spongebob Panties. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? This kitty cat baby. Anyway back to this problem of a man.

"What? There is no Kara in this house young man! Now leave before I call the police", I said in a mans voice.

"Seriously Kara? You sound like an elephant stuck its trunk into its ass" He had the nerve to tell me, Kara Livingston, that I may be in fact related to an elephant?

"Woah woah woah there Mister Evans. Unless you want your dick to freeze in that snow outside, you better take that back!" I screamed, offended of course.

All of a sudden, the door just opened and in walked the Greek God himself. Wait wait, back the fat pig up! How the hell did he get in?

"You shouldn't leave your door open like that princess" he winked at me. I repeat he winked at me. How one wink makes my heart race is beyond me. Although, I'm not going to show him I'm affected by it or else I'll have to gauge that eye out.

"Well you shouldn't barge into my house without permission. You seriously asking me to pepper spray you and trust me, I will." I said with my eyebrow raised, waiting for a challenge.

He cleared his throat and all of a sudden his playful eyes turned serious as he looked at me up and down. His stare lingered on my lower body and only then did I decide that I should bury myself in the snow outside until I freeze to death.

I, Kara Anne Livingston, stood there with a white shirt messed with what I think was garlic sauce from my pizza. But that unfortunately was not the worst part. On display, is my very own famous SpongeBob panties , along with that very not so tiny moist patch.

Well fuck.

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