19: Danoh goes crazy and here I am falling for her fiancee

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Danoh went crazy.

I swear the short-haired girl has lost it.


I jump on my seat when I heard something crashed in front of me. I look up and saw Danoh once again, who is standing in front of a now broken vase. I sighed and shook my head at her actions. Then everyone looks at her and for a split second their attention moves away from Namju and Juda. 

"Danoh, what's wrong?" Saemi calls out in worry.

Danoh opens her mouth, ready to answer her best friend, but then the vase disappears and went back to where it was before Danoh threw it, our classmates are back to gawking at Namju's work and Danoh is back on the chair in the middle of the classroom.

"You've gotta be kidding me!" Danoh exclaims in total annoyance.

I frowned at my short friend and spoke up, "Danoh, just let the stage end."

Then she looks at me and pouts. "B-but... Ugh! This is so unfair!"

I sighed and muttered under my breath, "Life is unfair."

Class ended and it looked like there won't be any more stages for the day. So, I snuck away from Namju, who I know would want to talk to me about Juda as always, and Danoh, who would drag me back into the kitchen to talk to Jinmi about the manhwa world. I need a change of the usual schedule and Kyung is that change.

"Why were you tip-toeing out of the classroom?"  Kyung asked when I ran to his side.

I smiled at him innocently and said, "I just felt like someone would talk to me about some stuff that I don't wanna talk about at the moment."

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