Chapter 7: The old abandoned HQ & The titan incident

Start from the beginning

Great, I have to wake her up. Let's just say that it's a really bad idea to wake her up. You don't want to see her mad. Last time I saw her being woken up by someone else than me or the other higher up's she kicked the guy back at least 10 meters away and the guy also had a very bloody nose. Oh well, let's try not to get killed in the process of waking her up.

***Time skip after cleaning HQ***

Now that we were finally done cleaning the once filthy ass castle, (Y/N) told me that she wanted to tell the others on the team of her relationship with Eren. I agreed with her since the others also should know about it but I still don't get how they didn't catch on their resemblance I mean they literally look the same except for their height. Jeager's a flipping tower compared to his own sister who's my height.

Eren's PoV
(Y/N) had told me that she would tell the other team members about our relationship because she's friends with them after all. Now that we were eating dinner, a good old piece of bread and some bean soup, she was talking with them that was until she grabbed me in a headlock and I knew she was just playing around since her hold wasn't tight enough to choke me. I had no idea what was going on and by the looks of the others, except for the captain of course, they also had no idea what was going on. My bet is that she just wants to finally spend some quality time with her little brother, which happens to be me. I then took a closer look at everyone and I realised that they were scared that I would somehow turn into a titan right then and there. Of course, I'm not stupid enough to just transform into a titan and also risking my sister being killed. She's the only real family that I have left.

Once I heard (Y/N) tell the others to calm down, she released her hold on me only to give ma a bear hug. Although mom had told me that she was just like me, an egotistical brat with a death wish, I just couldn't help but see that she was acting more like mom than our father who was basically never at home. I just hugged her back. That was until I felt my shirt getting wet. I knew that she was crying and that she wouldn't want her friends to see her like that. I bet that the reason that she's crying right now that she's relieved to see that I'm still alive and doing well. I'm sure that when she was on the expedition and that the message about the breached wall reached them that she was panicking. Like I said before, she's just like mom.

After a little while, she calmed down and told Petra, Oluo, Eld and Gunther that we are actually siblings. I have to say, I never thought I'd ever get to see the special operation's squad that surprised as well as confused. I mean she did just tell them that she was the older sister of the one person that they were so afraid of sometime earlier. Captain Levi already knew since he came along with us when were walking around Trost district before all of the crap happened.

(Y/N)'s PoV
After telling my dear friends about Eren and I being siblings, we talked for a while including Eren and Levi in our discussion. At one point, Levi mentioned Hanji as well as he said that she was supposed to come over. I was surprised to say the least. I thought that she was supposed to stay with Erwin until they came back with the recruits. Actually, Levi told me that he also had to be there along with his squad and that I was to be the one in charge of the soldiers that were staying at HQ which Eren was to stay so I could keep an eye. While Levi was talking to us, we all suddenly heard a knock on the door. I could see that Levi was annoyed just at her presence although they are very good friends.

Hanji had the idea to mention her titan experimentations to my brother. Now I was the one who wanted to cut her head off her shoulders. Hanji was talking to the others as if she didn't notice both Levi's and my death glare that were directed straight at the back of her head. The one thing that I didn't want her to do is to experiment on my brother. I don't give a crap if she conducts any tests on those mindless assholes but my brother is off limits. When Eren asked her about her experiments we all just left because we couldn't handle hearing her talking about all of her experiments from the first one to the latest one which would surly take her the whole night. I didn't bother to tell my brother good luck since he kind of asked for it when he asked Hanji to explain her experiments to him.

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