Chapter 7: The old abandoned HQ & The titan incident

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(Y/N)'s PoV
Once Eren, Levi and myself caught up with the team, Levi told the others that from now on I was also a captain of this squad and I would also be the one to keep an eye whenever he wouldn't be there. Then Petra, like always, got super excited for my promotion and wanted to hangout with me to celebrate the said promotion. I mean we are the only girls on the team, so it only makes sense that we became best friends along the way.

The guys, including Eren and Levi, were looking at us as if we were crazy or something. Eren wasn't all that used to be around me all the time but I guess he's going to have to because he's stuck with me on this team. Petra and I were literally so much in our little bubble of joy and excitement that we didn't even notice the rest of the team leave to gather their stuff so we could head to that old ass castle. I just hope that I won't have to share a room with Levi once again. That would suck.

When we were on our horses, I went next to Levi. Cause I still haven't forgotten that he kind of beat my little brother a little to much while he had previously promised me that wouldn't be to harsh. Since when is going easy knocking a tooth out. At least the tooth grew back, thanks to his awesome powers. I also had noticed that the others were weary of Eren.

"Hey Levi! What the crap was that back there huh. You told me you would go easy since you also knew that I'd go after you if you did otherwise."

"Well, you also know what was going to happen if I didn't do what I did back there."

"Still, since when is knocking someone's tooth out going easy. I personally know you could have done a lot less and we still would have got his custody you stupid."

"Sure, but a certain someone was pissing me off before I went and did that little demonstration."

"Oh, you mean those fat pigs that were from the MP. I guess Nile got lucky cause Erwin was literally holding me in my place so I couldn't beat his face in. I ended up staring at him in hopes that he got the message crystal clear in his small ass brain."

After that, Levi just told me that he understood me very well on that subject of hating the MP's. I was, after all, the only one who knew along side Erwin, Hanji and Mike about his past. Let me tell you that he has a good fucking reason to hate them. Though my reason is quite different, we still both have been holding a massive grudge on those assholes.

After the discussion, I went back beside Petra who was also beside Eren and that Levi wannabe tongue biter, Oluo. Needless to say, Oluo was acting like an ass towards Eren. That was before his horse had stepped on a rock which had caused him to bite his tongue once again. I was laughing like a maniac since I was just about to tell him to back off and to stop giving Eren the creeps. Petra just sweat dropped at the situation. After I calmed down, she then asked me why I was so protective of Eren. I just told her that I wanted to tell the whole team once we were done cleaning. I already knew that Levi was going to make us clean that whole building also known as a castle. She understood and told me that she thought that Eren and I looked alike for some reason and continued telling how much we looked alike for almost the rest of the trip.

*** Time Skip to the castle***

Finally, we were there. I finally had sometime to take a power nap before we had to clean the new HQ. Levi let us unpack our stuff and choose our rooms. Levi told me where our rooms would be and I could finally have a room for myself. I chose the room that was right by Levi's since it was also the room closest to the door that led to the basement. In other words, the room closest to Eren's. I hate the idea of making him sleep in the dungeon because who would like to see their sibling sleeping in this type of place.

Levi's Pov
I let the team take some time off to unpack. I then showed (Y/N) where the offices are since she's going to have one. She ended up choosing the one right next to mine. I bet it's because she wants to be as close as possible to her brother in case anything happens. Once I thought everyone had enough time to settle in I told them to start cleaning the place. To my surprise when I went to tell (Y/N) all I saw was that she had, for one, cleaned her office and her sleeping on the couch that was in the middle of her office.

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