Author's Note

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Hey my dear readers!!!

I'm starting to get out of imagination for this book! Don't you guys worry I'm not discontinuing this book it's only on hold until I get enough imagination to write new chapters!!!

For those of you who love Yuri! On Ice, I started writing a fanfic on it! Just a little heads up, the fanfic will be filled with some real life experiences of mine as a figure skater. I will be drawing the OC as she is based off of well yours truly, me. Please don't hate since I'll be making this fanfic a Viktor x OC. I will be posting some chapters in the near future.

I just need some opinions first:
- What kind of programs (Free & Short) do you want the OC to perform (intense, slow, depressing, ...)
- What do you guys want me to include from personal experience

These opinions will help me a bunch to write the story. I might also draw my own dress/one piece designs if I don't use the dresses/one pieces that I already own.

Also I'm writing chapters when my insomnia acts up as it usually is also when I have the most imagination and ideas. I'm actually also in the process of getting my coaching license (cause let me tell you that being a figure skating coach pays very well. I literally pay my coach 35$/hour some charge even more depending on their level) so if any of you want some tips you guys know who to ask!!!!

Eren's Older Sister (Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now