Episode 1, Chapter 6: His side of the story

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"I don't... w..." He mumbles into his blankets, it's hard to hear him.


"I don't... want..." more mumbling

"Hey Bambi! Speak up!"

"I don't want to be The Radio Demon anymore!"

He turns to Angel clearly angry, his smile was twitchy and close to reducing down to a frown and he had tear trails of where he cried,

"Wait, you what?"

"Angel, did you think I desired to be known all across the land as one of the strongest demons in hell?"

"Well, probably, I mean who wouldn't?"

"I don't! When I fell down to hell, what I expected was blood, carnage and destruction! Instead I got what we had on topside, except we can't die!"

"I don't understand, if you didn't want all the attention, why did you cause mass murderings around hell?"

"Oh please, I thought that homicide would be a common occurring thing down here, instead, killing a lot of people will get the same reaction back on earth, the media shares them to the world, and people learn about them."

"Ok, it looks like I'm missing a bigger picture here... Al, tell me what happened when you dropped down to hell."

"Heh, might as well tell you my afterlife's story since you've heard a good amount of our past..."

[Alastor is now the Narrator]

When I fell into Hell I was greeted by some rather large ne'er-do-well who seems to possess rather less than friendly intentions,

"You'd sell for a good price." The fellow says in a gruff deep tone.

He goes to pick me up, a massive mistake, I grabbed a nearby pipe and beaten him down till his head was smashed like a watermelon. I stole the man's wallet feeling rather invigorated by that point, I rented a nearby motel and ironically, slept instantaneously not too long after. Woke up the next day, went out only to encounter the same man again, only he had friends this time. Got roughed up a tad, he goes up to me with a knife to kill me, I never felt more alive by that point, I remember the very words that had escaped my throat that day,

"Mark my words, I will kill you, then I shall make a feast from your carcass!"

He goes to stab me and I instinctively reach out only to have the man impaled by a tendril that comes in out of nowhere. That is when I discovered my powers. After a bit of playing around with the tentacle for a bit, briefly learning my capabilities I kill the other men not too long after. Skip forward a few weeks and I have full control over my powers, not only that but I had become a radio host, so I had a steady income for the time being, though I didn't have many listeners, I thought,

"What content shall I use to get the attention of people to listen in."

I wander the streets to look for a crowded place to play with my powers, as luck would have it, I find a rather tightly packed casino, you already know what happens next. I felt euphoric, absolutely blissed, I was high with death and carnage, oh, how I wished I could share the experience- oh wait!

Angel With the Assist (Husk x Alastor)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat