Chapter 2: End of the Day

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If there's something I've learnt from a million mistakes

You're the one that I want at the end of the day (at the end of the day)


Liam and I had arrived at the restaurant and were waiting for his coworkers. Liam was wearing a green and blue plaid button up shirt with matching blue vans and I was wearing a short red dress with spagetti straps and a pair of black heels sandals and a pearl diamond necklace. The restaurant was a fancyTuscan bistro with beige walls and little red roses on the table. I sad down and looked at the menu, before two attractive guys walked in.

"Liam! Hey bro! Is this your littel sis!?"

"Yeah dude! Meet my little Georgia Rose!"

The first one to speak was a sweet brunette with almond shaped eyes, hair swept across his forehead like ocean waves rushing over the shore. I noticed his aquamarine eyes. He looked tall to me, but then again everyone was too me, as I stood at a mere 5'2. He was wearing a navy blue and white striped tshirt and red pants with white shoes.

"Hey Georgia Rose! You look good!"

He had a shy-boy smile, but he still brought the life of the party.

"Hey, no hitting on my sister Louis!"

"Li-li, you don't need to protect me!" I said agravated.

"Sorry man, won't do it again," Louis said turning to Liam, but then he turned to me and gave me a wink. OMG, was he trying to flirt with me?

The next one to speak was the blonde one.

"Hi, I'm Niall," he said in a cute Irish accent, "Your brothers a great astronaut." his ocean blue eyes smiled at me. He was wearing a bright blue polo shirt buttoned to the top which highlighted his blue eyes with grey pants and white basektball sneakers.

We sat for a while talking about all kinds of this, from what it was like to be an astronaut, what it was like for Liam and I to be neglected by our parents, and the delicious bread at the Tuscan restaurant.

After almost 30 minutes of waiting for Liam's other astronaut friend to arrive, the four of us decide we should go ahead and order dinner.

Liam ordered a pizza, and Niall ordered a burger, and Louis, being the silly boy that he is, ordered chocolate cake for his meal! I decided on the chicken alfredo.

"Wait, what should we order for Harry?" Niall questioned.

"Let's order him something nasty, like snails!" Louis chided.

"No, that's mean!" I replied.

"Well fine why don't you order for him?" Liam told me.

I was up to the challenge, and decided to order him the alfredo as well.

A.N. I hope that you guys like this! 

Question: Who's your favorite member of the band? I love them all, but if I had to choose, I'd pick Louis hahaha he's so cute :D

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